promoted by the color red

I used this to my advantage last week when I bought a brand-new leftover 2016 Miata Club for less than what the dealer across town wanted for the similarly optioned pre-owned 2016 with ~12k miles.

There’s a massive chunk of land called the Mojave desert where you can do things like this without being bothered...

He was the crazy wealthy asshole car enthusiast we all secretly wish we could be.

I’m kinda on the fence about Fukumenkei Noise. I think I’ll have my decision when I finish episode 3. The story has my attention, but the animation isn’t doing it for me. I don’t like it enough to maintain an Amazon Strike subscription anyways.

I spoke to my cat as if he were an adult human, but I realized after he died that I was speaking to him as if he were the guest at a fancy hotel and I was the concierge.

Hey, somebody’s gotta be the wise-ass around here.

But who are you to make the judgement call? What if there’s one of those people who thought it appropriate to do 20-over (because it’s a green and this road is normally empty at this time) just out of view?

The cop was sitting around the corner with all of his lights off so I didn’t see him. Dick.....

If you ask me, the most shocking part was the fact that they used an EF as a family car in what looks like the mid/late-’00s. I used to make deliveries in a Integra GS-R just a few years newer and there was an unshakable sense of vulnerability I felt every time I got behind the wheel. In the era of crossovers/SUVs,

Why not both? I’ve got F1 on one monitor and this on another.

There was a restaurant in the town where I went to college that would charge $2-$3 for a soda and they wouldn’t give you refills, so you’d keep paying $2-$3 a pop for soft drinks when a burger was something like $7-$10. Said restaurant conveniently left this off their menu.

The solution is to make more movies with 2nd-gen Chargers? OK I LIKE THIS IDEA!

Trumbo 2017: Make Baseball Great Again

Meh, save your dreams for the day when the pain of this movie is far behind.

This video, like many others, would greatly benefit from some guys doing drifts and stunts in a Land Cruiser.

Private Eyes/They’re watching you/They see your every move.

I’m just going to pick UC Davis because I need an excuse to drink and my alma mater needs to be known for something other than attacking non-violent protesters, a corrupt chancellor, or somehow getting sued for discriminating against white people.

You laugh, but the EF Civic Si and the DC2 Integra Type-R are still dominant in SCCA autocross.

Does this mean we’ll see drift kiddies try to sell their battered 650Ss with mismatched/missing body panels ziptied together for 10K over blue book value?