promoted by the color red

My last commute was a 60 mile jaunt against the flow of traffic on 101, so I could cruise along at a pretty sedate 75 mph on most days. If you’re not familiar with Petaluma/Santa Rosa, then you’ll know that the road goes from three lanes to two.

How long until they make a hip-hop musical off-shoot with songs written by Lin-Manuel Miranda?

Literally Harrison Ford

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

You can renew your Avast license for free every year.

I rented a “full-size” at Midway Airport expecting an Impala, which was nice because I drove a Camry M-F and the odd Saturday. Walked out to the garage and found out it was a Camry with Ohio plates. Nuts.

Make Americanos great again.

Instead, he’s just sitting, waiting, wishing.

Another fantasy football girl repulser.

Same. It was loud, fast, and incredibly high-strung but it was so much fun. Really hoping this Si is a worthy successor.

I remember that article! It was a doting piece in Road and Track a number of years ago. I rolled my eyes so hard.

I always thought it was hilarious how WeatherTech would buy up pages of ad space every month in every major car magazine to jerk off to their AMERICAN factories with AMERICAN machines operated by AMERICAN workers working AMERICAN jobs in AMERICA...and then go run a pair of German-made sports cars.

Worst case Ontario you go up to Canada, grow some dope, and get your Grade 10 in your spare time.

It was the 2013 Sacramento Auto Show and I was in line for Chrysler’s ride-and-drive event. I had just taken the milquetoast Fiat 500 out for a casual run with the Chrysler rep on the cone course set up in the overflow parking area and I wanted to drive something else. Fiat’s 500e had a short line, so I went into that

Jesus fuck that is the most Central Valley thing I’ve ever seen.

The perfect vehicle for exploring Tatooine.

This is just like the “THE NISSAN GT-R WAS RUNNING ON RACING SLICKS!” argument all over again.