promoted by the color red

Mirrors, for the most part, have made driving and passing a much less OH SHIT experience. Well, for people who aren't driving certain makes of German automobiles, at least.

I haven't seen a piano this violent since Liberace's.

I bought a mechanical Seiko 5 for about $55 after fitting. Much like a Rolex, it too is very mechanical and gives me the date and time. I don't need a chronograph or necessarily care about "made in Japan" provenance so that's another $100 in my pocket.

I don't see what the problem is. The guy paid for an 8-second car and he got an 8-second car - one that ran for about 8 seconds.

Ferrari won't even think about selling you a hybrid supercar unless you have at least five prancing horses in your garage already

Of course, in typical legalese, cock-sucking is only offered in Penistone. Way to make claims without following through...

Yes, but this was 1994. The 2.5RS didn't come out until 1998/9 as a sports version of a basic sedan, so yeah, of course a car released later is faster. A brand-new V6 Toyota Camry out accelerates a Ferrari 250 GT but we still hold the latter in high regard.

Oh sweet baby Jesus I really hope they show the full B-license testing process.

My car has seven of the ten items listed - technically eight if it were one year newer and got the OBD-II ECU.

Needs more Toyota pickup truck.

As a child of the '90s I am really glad pastel colors are no longer offered. They had the shelf life of spoiled milk.

Hey, you know what other plane had major teething problems? The 747.

Actually, here's the original Integra motorcycle which came out a few years before the car.

Probably one of the few ways to enjoy three-wheel-motion without buying a low-rider with hydraulics and airbags.

It was a joke. As in the American ad agency that Honda wrote checks to thought it would be funny to compare a $10,000 FWD compact to a plane that was, for all intents and purposes in 1989, still basically speculation.

The Rover/Sterling 827: Japanese charm and British reliability make for interesting bedfellows. Did I say interesting? I meant fucking awful.