promoted by the color red

More importantly, did he make any huge mistakes on track?

Jeremy Clarkson doing things while wearing reading glasses will never cease to be hilarious.

Will we still be able to order the Skyactiv engine with a manual gearbox? I don't think I've seen very many with that combo in the wild so I'm hoping Mazda doesn't kill it.

How's it like driving a vehicle that gets a lot of stares?

Neutral: Neutral.

That's good to hear. It's still a pretty odd use of quotation marks.

Quotation marks - the posh man's /s tags.

Brand-new? I may have accidentally brushed my shoe against the door panel against my friend's new Mazda 3. I wiped it off afterwards. Curse my weirdly shaped body.

Bingo. Airbags require you to hit the sensors or they won't deploy. Context: to trigger the two front airbags on my GS-R, you have to basically nail me head-on. Even if you tag either one of my fenders they will not deploy. You quite literally have to punch my lights out.

The Integra GS-R parked outside my house that I drove home last night. The car was formerly owned by a friend of a friend who sold it at about market, and hey, it looked good in the pictures! It passed my father's smell test so it's now mine. Etc, etc.

Tell me about it! Some moron in a Ford F150 t-boned my mother's '94 Integra at 30 mph because he was "blinded" by the sun. Stupid import drivers! Oh wait, Michigan's not in Mexico, is it?

I'm more offended by the mediocre hip-hop/rap than the driving. At least he kept it below redline.

Man, I'd give twenty grand for a glass of lemonade.

The grass is always greener on the other side. See: Chevy Lumina in Finland.

You can only play "guess the fur" so many times before you go mad.

On the bright side, you won't be getting too many stares.

So Kimi Raikkonen is a Totoro.

I paid less than $200 from start to finish to get my driver's license. By comparison I paid $130 to take the engineering certification exam and another $50 for the piece of paper from the state of California saying I passed.

His trusty STIed will surely be put down now.

Integra Type-R.