promoted by the color red


...and that's why I come to Deadspin.

The Honda Beat: Mid-engine and with a five-speed stick sending power to the back wheels. Doesn't hurt that it's the last car approved by Mr. Honda before his death.

3rd-gen Firebird Firehawk. The rarest 3rd-gen of them all, with lots of performance goodies and the (optional) brakes of a F40.

Hey, since you're still living in 2011, can you tell third-year me to not take that class? Thanks.

No duh, it's an up thing.

00 car just stopped on track. Lights off. Same thing that's already happened before?

Now playing

The old Group A Legacys had one mean boxer rumble.

It's a replica, but not a knock-off - it's a Frankenstein 917 built with real 917 bits, or so I'm told.

Ah, I see. In that case I agree I spend too much time with engineers that I haven't noticed this as much.

You've got to be delusional to think that the answer is to GET PEOPLE INTO MORE CARS! Most people hate driving so much that they see nothing wrong with texting and shaving. These people be OFF the road, not on.

Of course, the hilarious thing is that Shakespeare was never "high-brow" entertainment until the 19th-early 20th century. It was always low-brow stuff for the common man, which sort of makes me wonder if my grandchildren will be watching a not-tongue-in-cheek "Teen Mom: The Stage Play!" at the local theater.

Hussein Obama? Just curious, do you address all presidents as middle name last name? e.g. Walker Bush or Jefferson Clinton?

It's no longer 1834. I can't burn down my house, take the nails, and haul everything to California. Times have changed.

What's with the Papa John largess? I thought Obama's making him live hand-to-mouth.

The word you're looking for is: Voilà.

His profile picture looks like a 12-year-old wearing bad makeup to make him look old.

Too late? How about the 1965-71 Marathon de la Route? 80 hours of the Nürburgring and not the new one, but the old dangerous Nordschelife AND the Südschleife. In some years you'd even have to drive (not race) back to the starting point in Liege.

Well to be fair, that is STILL an extremely desirable model, but not THAT desirable.

I'm watching cat videos on a device more powerful than anything used to people on the moon.