promoted by the color red


I accidentally the word "it".

Why did have be that goddamn mercury?

Monday nights at 8 on Fox!

Nissan Mid-4 I and II. Take the 300ZX twin-turbo engine and suspension, mate it to the Skyline GT-R AWD system, and wrap it all up in a sleek body to get Nissan's version of the NSX, except for the fact that the NSX actually MADE it to production. That said, the cars that inherited the Mid-4's bits weren't so bad

True, but it makes it easier to figure out who the idiot is.

I've always been partial to the March Superturbo. What's better than a small car with a turbo? One that also comes with a supercharger.

The X1 carbon drops to below 1K at the Barnes and Noble Gold store on the Lenovo site. Google it.

Let me throw in a vote for the Beddinge sofa bed. I've moved it between four different houses and ham-fisted the install at least once and it's held up marvelously for about six years.

Best case for a Galaxy S3 that provides the most protection for the least green?

It's not so much Christmas as it is a family get-together where we give the younger children presents.

Best? Getting Gran Turismo 2 in 1998/1999.

...and there goes every free moment for the rest of 2012 and most of 2013.

I'm currently home for the holidays and I see that people in the neighborhood I grew up in still have the habit of turning their head to any direction other than straight while inching their car forward at a stop sign.

My jimmies have been rustled so hard that they've become Jameses.

Just because it looks like a gun and can fire a bullet does not mean that it is physically possible to build one that IS a gun.

There's a button on the same row as the submit button that lets you add an image.

3D printed guns/gun parts sound scary until you realize that it'll quite literally melt and disintegrate when exposed to the kinds of heat when firing a gun.

"It is a culture in our country, and it will never go away."