promoted by the color red

We need black cars to go with the black lungs we get drifting and doing burnouts.

It's light and strong but it shatters. It's not going to bend and deflect like steel members.

Somebody should just re-dub the videos with hilarious dialogue. Who's with me?

I grabbed a bunch of these from an auto show. Neat.

In terms of driving dynamics, how different are today's WRC cars compared to those ten years ago?

What was your most frustrating loss? Best win? Also, how different are today's WRC cars from those of ten years ago?

Related: If you live near a major university, there's a chance they have a store where they sell off their old stuff. My school does this and they regularly have iMacs and even trucks for sale. Do note that their stuff only becomes available after the staff/faculty/other school departments have a two week dibs period.

Tatra T-603. Made when Communists took over the Czechs from the company that gave us RR cars that killed off as many Nazi officers as the Allied soldiers and the Russian winter did.

I only own ThinkPad laptops. The first one was Emperor Palpatine. The new one is Darth Vader. You get the picture.

If I'm going to believe in a mythical being, I choose the almighty Totoro who lives in a tree. At least nobody's murdered their wife on behalf of him.

When, in your opinion, did the Simpsons go downhill? Did it go downhill or did the original viewers grow up, changed tastes, and then stumbled upon the internet?

Engineering is easy. Keeping Joe Derp from killing himself doing something dumb is not.

It's not just Sony - Lenovo offers on-site repair options on their higher-end ThinkPad laptops. They'll even overnight some parts when you call their 24hr helpline in Georgia so you can DIY.

Eh, it's alright but it seems to exacerbate the flat-faced-ness of the current lineup.

"...powered by a 400-hp 5.5-liter V-8, and should give 30-plus mpg on the highway."

Lancer Evolution MR BLACK edition. Who needs a spine, anyway? Also, holy frack, that is an awesome steering wheel.

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Welp, sometimes you gotta TREAT YO SELF to some FINE LEATHER GOODS.

Psst! It's called business-class. If you're going to compare a Macbook to a Black Friday special, well, you're going to have a bad time.

Yes. Rolls-Royce did it.

Betcha $10 he'll come back and tell us how he's a Libertarian who "only votes Ron Paul".