promoted by the color red


How's the damage modeling?

Great news!

I would have had a sad several years ago, but now I remember that the 250GTOs now worth 20 million were often smashed and crashed many many times in their lives and rebuilt. If the owner's got Carrera GT money, he's got Carrera GT repair money.

While you are technically correct, People native to Hong Kong people still refuse to see themselves as "Chinese" Chinese as there's still that connotation of people from the mainland as what can best be described as the Beverly Hillbilies: noveau-riche and extremely uncouth.

Go to your local university. They might have a surplus store that sells off old computers for well under $50. Like buying an ex-lease PC without the shipping times.

They brew Budweiser? I thought they just hired some hobo to piss in a can.

Meh, I took off my watch because the glare from the crystal kept distracting me.

It probably wasn't a good idea to have Gary Busey play Michael Schumacher in the upcoming biopic...

Hindsight is always 50-50.

"I will personally not miss this car at all. the engine? for sure. but a tube frame GT car that held back the series and everything it could have been? absolutely not. glad it's dead."

I hooked my PS3 up to the projector in my school's lecture hall. Now that I've registered it with the school, the internet access should work now.

Yeah, that cream of mushroom's pretty hard to unseat.

An important caveat here: the safety equipment in the Civic/CRXes of that era absolutely pale in comparison to the modern Fit. Same for the compact pickups. My father's '85 4x4 may be strong mechanically but the doors are as thin as a McDonald's cheeseburger.

We do. Let me clarify that I'm a student, not somebody who's getting paid (yet). While there is CAD work to be done, it's easier to take notes in class with pen and paper than fumbling around with super/subscript with OneNote.

I'm an engineer so I need to do a lot of drawings and graphs in real time: it would be nice but ultimately really confusing to do all that by computer and camera.

Hey, I wonder if my dad will mind if I pull a stunt like that on his pristine, garage-kept '85 4x4...

I'd love to transition away from paper and pen but the prohibitive cost of pen-based tablets vis-a-vis paper and ink is still enough that I can't afford to do so just yet.

Want a sweet deal on G2s? Hit up eBay and you can pick them up in bulk for not much cash. Much much MUCH cheaper than Target where I went through one pen per week during my senior year of high school. Ah, AP Government!