promoted by the color red

It seems like it was just yesterday that we were shitting our collective enthusiast pants over mid-7s. Now? If you pull a mid-7, you might as go home and bitch about it on the internet about how the other guy was cheating. WHAT NOW PORSCHE?

I'm pretty sure if you sell off some of your ellipses you can pay for a Viper or two.

Yup. There's three pedals and a shift pattern on the knob in the interior shot of the street version.

Well, what can you do about it? I applaud him for taking it so well.

...and there goes my afternoon.

Autech GT-R sedan.

Ask for some free oil changes and warranty extensions on top of the 2K. Bitches... I mean customers love free oil changes.

Uh...if "these" kids can afford a Lamborghini, a Ferrari, and such, I don't think they're exactly hurting for money to replace them.

According to my father, drive up to the border patrol and tell them that you're only bringing it on vacation or "moving". No documents, nothing. Don't know if that still works, though...

Rollbar, sh-mollbar. If it improves performance/safety, I'm slightly more for it. As long as it's not Silvia'd or douchebag'd out, it's fine.

Holy crap! It's a clean Nissan 240SX that HASN'T been drifted or "ZOMG TUNER!"-ed to death!

So it looks like I can finally replace my Handspring Visor! Windows 7 sync + YouTube support + PDF reader you can actually, y'know, read, + WiFi but I give up handwriting recognition. Oh well.

Did Frank Lloyd Wright predict the hipster and/or douchebags?

If we've learned anything from the TouchPad, it's suicide to price things at Apple's rates. They've painted themselves as the Mercedes or BMW of the tech world, thanks to their design and selling environment. If you're going to charge at or slightly under their prices, consumers will mostly likely spring for the

Datsun 510

Crack pipe.

Now playing

The Subaru Legacy turbo. It's just like a WRX for grownups. Plus it can be made to sound like this:

I Simply Love The random Capitalization. I Didn't Know that They Taught this in Journalism School I was always Taught that only Some Words needed to be Capitalized; Perhaps it Is to Show Drama? Or Maybe the American Motorist is so Important it Must be Capitalized.

I couldn't find it, so here's a Holman-Moody-tuned Ford Falcon rally car in the snow. Why? BECAUSE 1960's RACECAR.

So really, Apple is more like Volkswagen. A pretty face on average components with occasionally questionable reliability.