
*American cop shows up to work in a Ferrari*

You seem to be missing the larger point...the rich—large companies—CAN make these things affordable to all, but they do not in the name of profit.

I think he was suggesting that they should pay way more than $11,000 for this government allowed luxury if it actually raises each condo's value by so much.

The clear difference is that anti-Semitism lives in fiction. The Jews don't "control the media." The Jews don't "control the banks." Etc. 85 people actually do own half the world.

Weird what an unchecked business-centric oligarchy will cause...we are well on our way.

Never ask what's in the backpack.

So what? It kind of is everything in this scenario. The larger point here, which I think you are gleefully ignoring, is that doing stupid shit should not get you shot. Being a legitimate threat to a person's well-bing, sure, but simply being a citizen of a free state shouldn't. Don't you want that? I sure as shit do.

The man we are talking about was walking around a Wal-Mart on the phone and was shot on sight, so...

You do realize Crawford did none of that and was still shot on sight, right?

Eh. If you flat out say you are gonna give a discount and then the other party lowballs the living fuck out of you, not sure how that is bullshit to feel slighted.

Thought we were talking about race on race violence? I like when we change the subject.

"Ashton blamed it on his use of an asthma inhaler..."