Wheels VS Wheelchair Jimmy

Oh man I came to post this. She kicked so much ass in that film, I don’t understand why it got such mixed reviews when most Bond films have even dumber plots.

Pence and his evangelical supporters not only want this, they’re behind it.

Didn’t a couple of military heads say they wouldn’t enforce this? Legitametly, what happens when the military doesn’t obey their commander in chief? Aren’t we then close to a military coup? God, are we going to have to rely on the military to kick this jackass out since DC won’t do it?

Well, since they uniformly refused to implement it and many openly came out against it, I’d say it’s obvious that’s a lie.

Given how startled and unsupportive the military chiefs were after the announcement was made, there’s no way he had their approval. I don’t think he even told them about it. The main reaction from Pentagon spokespersons after the tweet came out was, “Well, you’ll have to ask the President about that, we don’t have any

Considering how much generals hate being called “my generals” I wouldn’t doubt it.

After consultation with my Generals and military experts

Dear MVP,

Has MVP’s boyfriend met a specific person he wants to sleep with hence he’s come up with this? I would probably think so...

You know what shakes me up? How you read the headline, dive in to the post, and the first question is not about the thing you were expecting to read based on the headline. They do that every time. I start reading, then, whoops different topic what is this??? I appreciate this column but this is my minor quibble.

This is how you know these people are dumbasses...didn’t they learn from their pappys and grandpappys to hide their faces? That way you can do your lynching on the weekends and still have a job Monday morning...idiots! smh...

It always gives me pause that the people who claim the best of a singular race are always the worst example of it. Take a hard look at this supposed superior being.

Good. I hope his buddies and nazi leaders waste lots of their own money on his stupid legal defense and shit.

Well hey, at least it isn’t Peter Thiel as he actually manages to accomplish his goals.

Right, buddy. You and Submarine guy, a pair of innocent lambs.

Remember comically long pointy toes on pumps? What a time, what a moment.

And there was always a money thing. Money for uniforms, dues, trips, gear, etc.

Lol “jeans and a nice top” has been my going-out go-to for decades now and YOU WILL NOT TAKE THAT FROM ME!!!!