Lord knows that when I look back on all the women I’ve loved, I primarily think about the men they worked for.
Lord knows that when I look back on all the women I’ve loved, I primarily think about the men they worked for.
Doesn’t seem like they had...
This dude lives on a totally different planet.
Also any insight if this will fit in an Insight?
This story has really humped the shark.
I can’t speak to the legitimacy of the Bennett photo, but I do know this picture is real and it pisses me off. Really, though, we all kind of secretly knew.
When I was a kid, people in my parent’s generation were immediately suspicious of anything that came from the internet. “Don’t meet anyone from the internet in real life!” “You can’t believe that, it’s just on the internet!”
Shit man. Theres some writers out there who can’t find a job and to them I say this. If Nick Douglas can get paid to write dumb two bit shit like this then so can you.
Really, it’s come to this?
I hate Trump as much as the next person but this is petty.
Something tells me engine in the black shorts has had all sorts of horsepower in her.
I’d say neigh to her.
I drive a lot of cars for work. So much so, that my personal car, a 2004 Honda Civic SiR—or just the Civic Si, if…
The most recent hate I held for a vehicle was a rented Chrysler 200. I despised that underpowered piece of crap, and it knew it at every bump and stoplight. I usually accelerate gradually-but-quickly, never spinning the tires but never one to hold up traffic. In the 200, I literally stomped on the pedal if there were…
Quarks? Do you have to be a particle physicist to drive new cars?
Looks like someone didn’t manage to throw enough paper towels around the Caribbean.
I think the buses are hugging the trees.
For a second I thought you were referencing Donald Trump Jr.
I mean, Panama’s entire existence is predicated on letting things through.
Well maybe if the laws are based on more than a weapon “looking scary” and law makers knew a little bit about the weapons they are trying to ban they could write more effective legislation. I don’t see anything wrong with a 10 round “New York Safe” AR. No different than a Remington R750 hunting rifle. There are…