
I would say kudzu, but you’d plant it, go to sleep, and wake up to 500 miles of interstate completely engulfed.

Besides the comments pointing out the dangers, this is a questionable product at a terrible value.

Besides the comments pointing out the dangers, this is a questionable product at a terrible value.

Seems like she did a pretty good job of it while paychecks were coming in.

I may be from Alabama, but even I realize that this sentence makes no sense.

It’s a Canadian Walmart. Aren’t Canadians too nice to intentionally steal cars?

I’d have attempted to press charges.

There’s a lot happening on this street.

This is on the same site that posts some masturbatory piece about every Porsche that rolls off the line, and everyone knows that Porsche is king of charging for stupid shit.

I’ve only had horse once, and I agree that it was delicious.

I eat them less than I used to, but I can’t use an animal’s intelligence to justify abstaining because I’d eat some human in a heartbeat.

I don’t the player or the game.

I met ASIMO at last year’s Honda Indy Grand Prix. Now, I wish I’d stolen him.

The rest of the field should be immensely pissed at this team. Loeb Racing should be penalized.

There are a litany of trash takes in these comments, but I’d just like to tell all of you that think you’re helping your child by “sanitizing” their literature that you all are a particularly entertaining brand of idiots.

Good God, Hamilton. Shut the fuck up.

Rear hatch/trunk open with a few extra lights seems like a pretty good warning flasher when stranded on the side of the road.

The one in the photo with long mandibles is a male and can’t hurt you. The females with the short, powerful jaws are the ones you gotta watch for.

Pusha’s shit is soft as fuck and Drake could buy all of his assets many times over.

When the inevitable happened, I hope his dumb ass is the only one who was hurt.

I was like, ‘How can you compensate somebody for spitting on your food? I ate this already,” Mays told ABC-11.