
I understand the immigrants’ reasoning. However, name one developed nation on this planet that turns a blind eye to unchecked immigration, identity theft, and tax avoidance. There are very good reasons why you can’t.

An operation to apprehend people who infiltrated the borders of a sovereign nation, then decided to reside here in direct violation of multiple laws that are in place for good reasons.

So much upset in these comments.

Hello—my name is Jason Schreier, and I am now officially a PC gaming snob have ascended.

People should know if they’re venomous or not. If something living outside can kill you, you should be able to identify it.

I used one years ago, caught a mouse, and couldn’t release it without injury. I reluctantly dispatched it, then went the next day and bought a set of live traps. I’ve caught and released a handful at home and work since then.

That isn’t the purpose of 9-1-1.

Fancy Kristen certainly could have told you about the Seychelles.


He walked out backwards and ran into someone, but it’s somehow a slight to him?

Nah. It’s no different from wingsuiting or surfing 80 ft waves or whatever. Participants know the risk and choose to play.

The guy had no automobile. He happened to be the one to help because he was on foot on his way to work. Maybe Offset took that into consideration and got the dude something that would have a light tax bill, low insurance premiums, and be easily repairable in the garage with cheap, readily available parts.

The boat inverts and acts like the top shell of a luggage carrier. The other stuff collapses to fit inside.

Oh, trust me, I hate to see an octogenarian in a 600+ hp SUV or sedan and know that the thing has likely never been past 4th gear.

As long as it wasn’t stolen or involved in a crime, does the driver get to keep the pistol?

Your style is tired. Give it a fucking rest.

Not total shit, but shit.

Why is it so ugly?

This is just a ton of speculation about what may or may not happen. Just give it a fucking chance.

Should my next purchase be this, an M2, or 10-15 Miatas?