
A flare gun the size of a compact pistol will fit in your pocket or waistband and easily send a flare that distance.

I made a motion to my bodyguard, who gave the attendant an extra-hard shake. Some loose change, a ChapStick and a Slim Jim wrapper cascaded onto the pavement.

I don’t really watch or follow NASCAR, but it seems like every time I see something on her, it’s about her getting screwed one way or another. Seems like someone is always spinning her out or pushing her into the wall or something. Am I wrong?

So you don’t think the automatic association of the phrase or the cartoon with the alt-right qualifies as “Appropriating benign imagery to normalize your ignorant and hateful beliefs and seeing it spread through our media environment”?

Nope. Kek has been part of the WoW lexicon since release in 2004. This is about allowing them to hijack something benign, twist it so that there’s a response like yours, then remove it from your possession.

I don’t think it’s censorship. I think it’s coddling the hypersensitive. You just stated that the design seems meaningless. Instead of just saying “Fuck those guys” and going about your business, you allow them to take a word from a fictional language, hijack it, and give you cause to go get upset. We’re expected to

Take that sexy body, put a normal, functional interior in it, and give it to me now.

All that screen is going to do is get broken or cause wrecks when someone learns to cast porn from their phone to your grille screen.

The Macan is hideous and that wagon is absolutely glorious.

That runway is really close to a few roads and houses. Going 650ft off in the wrong direction could have made this much worse.

This is absolutely ridiculous. You are explicitly informed of the limitations and proper use. If I hit a nice straight road, wedge a stick between my steering wheel and floorboard, and turn on the adaptive cruise control, I can say that my car will “effectively” drive itself. However, I think I’d be pushing my setup a

Things get a little weird in Lalas’s final words, as he calls the team “soft, underperforming tattooed millionaires,”

What it says to me is that some random idiot being racist in public doesn’t have have the potential to negatively impact the livelihoods of thousands of people like this could.

I wish that I had so little grass to care for that this thing would be an option. I would need an army of at least 10-12. However, now I want to go give my mower a custom livery.

I had a friend who regularly drove his 512TR. I’m not sure how many miles he had on it, but he sold it and bought an F430 and a 360, which were also regularly driven.

His Instagram bio says, “Anything in life worth doing is worth over-doing. Moderation is for cowards!” yet he’s dangling a hammerhead that’s the size of my foot. Grab a 14-footer by the tail, you fucking coward.

They should stop exactly where they are, then start working backwards with each generation. Let me buy a 2022 E92. I’ll also be looking for that 2042 E30.

I don’t think that Justin was blasting Tesla and wasn’t trying to imply that. I just found it humorous that he praised the action, then jumped directly to the line I quoted. I thought there may be a bit of hyperbole there. While the concerns are valid, this future is still pretty far ahead of us and, as of now, the

I’m sure that it will happen. We already have a bevy of people working on various ways to hack autonomous systems.

But what it also previewed is our imminent future of unprecedented corporate control over how we drive and what we drive.