
Reforming the ownership process and instituting harsher penalties for circumventing it are the first step. Make it a more thorough process with punishments that make dealers think twice before conducting shady business. People would hate it, but I say completely remove “gun shows”. If you bothered to get an FFL, you

I’m strangely attracted to this car. If you swapped the front nose, I think this thing would look mean.

Most repo people I’ve met carry. Here, we have two idiots in the car chasing and cutting off the man’s truck while the owner is on the bed and, from what I heard in the video, evidently trying to bust the tow truck’s glass. This is a GREAT way to get shot.

I’ve been in a suit and had an attendant tell me, “You look awfully nice today” before she handed me my drink order along with three (yes, THREE) extra minis.

This reads like you teach a remedial primary school course. You also seem to make a ton of assumptions.

Exactly. You could have tons of fun with this thing, then spend 20 min parting it out online and get paid handsomely for all that fun.

This is correct. My mother is an educator and they aren’t taking the kids out because they don’t have glasses for everyone and at least a few of those dumb little shits will stare at a star until their eyes melt in their head and stream down their faces. With it being 2017 and all, someone is getting sued when a child

Buy that one and leave the body and glass as is for the character.

Meh, I’ll pass on this. I’m gonna take on this 2007 Alpina B7 with “BIOHAZARD/CHEMICAL” damage if I take any project. May find some weird mutated surprises.

You can tell that there’s some huge design covering the hood, but they don’t have a single photo showing what it looks like...

SENSIBLE people have an MMR vaccine. Are you an anti-vaxxer?

So that’s 2-0 after only one pitch, yeah?

The article mentions that you can now change the volume, so it wouldn’t be so jarring. Just put it on at home and condition them to associate the Tile’s tone with with a reward in a set location. Dog hears tiny beep and dog knows that it needs to get to the back door of your house ASAP because there’s a treat waiting.

The article mentions that you can now change the volume, so it wouldn’t be so jarring. Just put it on at home and

How can you say she was “complicit”? How does being on a business advisory council have anything to do with what some racist idiot has to say about Charlottesville? You people are acting like, by not immediately exiting, she was standing beside him nodding her head in agreement when he spoke about something totally

This could be seen as a brave stand by corporate leaders against the violent racist behavior that Trump emboldened; it could also be seen as a cynical attempt to avoid boycotts and shareholder backlash over their being seen as doing business alongside Trump.

LaCroix is commoner swill. These are poverty cocktails.

Translation: “I’ve tried drifting and I’m fucking shit at it.”

The dude in Charlottesville is a murderer and obviously had the intent to inflict lethal damage. But, all of you in the comments saying to “take another street” in any instance of protest, please tell me how to handle this fuckery:

If he’d have said that a while ago, we wouldn’t have him in office at all.

My takeaway is that I’m going to live to be 117 and be picking up new models all the time.