
Dang I thought it was 35$ nope its 100$ 

Dang I thought it was 35$ nope its 100$ 

Now he has to take his grift to the next level and run for office.

It depends on whether you have electronic steering (as in most new cars), hydraulic assist steering (assisted, but you may still have to fight it at times), or plain old pinion-and-rack that has to be rotated twice as far with twice as much force as modern steering wheels to make the same turn.
And whether you drive a

So... maybe now do a bit on setting up your side view mirrors to actually look at the side, instead of the rear? That way you have no blind spots. I’m still amazed how many people don’t know about this.

I expected adults to be able to discuss an issue like adults. Admittedly that WAS optimistic of me.

I try to steer away from the free speech argument in general here. Not that there isn’t one, because there probably is, but because free speech tends to apply to speech in public, which would only really be the case if someone was playing h-games on the jumbo-tron in Times Square or something. This is happening in

Age play does tend to get a similar reaction from this same group of people, though not quite as vocally.

Then don’t make a blanket statement. If you have something to say, use specific terms.

I was waiting for the “you disagree with me therefore you’re a pedophile.” It actually took longer than I expected.

Hey Serin,

Thanks for actually trying to keep your head about this and staying logical instead of going all “Gotta defend the digital characters because I can’t tell the difference between reality and fiction!” like lots of people tend to. Could use more people with that kinda thought process around. No idea how people

That’s such an absurd blanket statement.

And yet, behold all the angry blowhards getting triggered on the internet.

They don’t look “obviously young”. The content is perfectly legal so suck it up.

From their insane need to justify something disgusting and harmful probably. Where do any criminals get justification for their actions? Very very few people set out to commit a crime, everyone has a reason for everything.

It matters a great deal because there’s a difference between cartoons and people. If you honestly can’t tell the difference between those two things, you need some serious help.

Look at you not knowing the difference between a drawing and a person.

I will end my replies with this:

5’2” here, AA. Same situation lol. That’s the main thing that pisses me off. Not the actual age of fictonal characters or any nonsense like that, but the fact that I and others can make adult art in an anime style of adult characters that look like us and get insulted for it. For all the progressive, body positive

I didn’t know they kicked you out of school at 18. Must have changed that since I went.

Unfortunately, these days if you draw anime styled art, you have to give characters a DD sized chest and have them in a bar drinking shots or someone is going to say they aren’t adults.