
I like RetroArch, they offer lots of the best cores available.  I ended up canceling my PS1 Classic preorder, found a local copy of SoTN on eBay and snagged it for $50.

Had I known a re-release of SoTN was planned for October on the PS4 I wouldn’t have held any hope for it.  I don’t have a PS4 or PS3 for that matter, so I myself had no idea.  Either way, it’s still a game that deserves a top spot on this console’s list and it’s a shame it’s not included.

The new release is ONLY on the PS4. That only benefits those who have a PS4. For someone like me who doesn’t have access to the Sony digital library, the number of options for playing many expensive classic PS1 titles is rather limited. It’s either I pay anywhere from $40-$130 for a USED copy of Castlevania SoTN or I

It’s pretty far from unplayable if it sold like hot cakes and plenty of people played it like crazy, leading to several sequels. Optimization? Who said anything about optimization? These aren’t remakes where they are redesigning the control scheme, these are the classics as they were. Control schemes in modern games ar

The only problem I have is that there was hope that this console would include SoTN or Brave Fencer Musashi, making the system a great deal. I have absolutely no reason to buy a PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, PSVita or PSP. Nearly all of those games are available on pc and if they’re not, they’re not games I particularly care

Very sad indeed.  It’s as though they expect everyone to own a PS3 or PS4 to access their digital sales.

SOTN costs about $70 for a used copy of the disc with instructions and case. Not everyone owns a PS4 (I don’t own ANY Sony hardware other than my PS2 slim). My options for playing SOTN are emulation or buying a used copy second hand. I’ve played it via emulation, but I’d rather not have crashing and other issues that


That’s great and all for people who have a PS4. If I want SOTN, I have to either pay $70+ for a used original copy to play on my PS2 slim orI have to buy another console for a digital copy. The game is the epitome of a PS1 classic and deserving of a spot on the list.

Yeah, I have it on emulation and know it’s been re-released, but I don’t own any Sony systems with online support. I had a PS3 and loved it, but I’m down to a slim PS2. Had a vita but got rid of it because the library was lacking in physical titles that I really wanted to play. If it weren’t for the $70+ price tag,

Damn, bummer... Had they included Castlevania SOTN and/or Brave Fencer Musashi as some had speculated, it would be worth the price (since the used copies of those games are pricey). I get that the remakes of Spyro and Crash are a thing, but I find it very hard to believe that a PS1 Classic console wouldn’t include

Brings to mind the brain surgeons who slam on the brakes, go into the breakdown lane or shoulder, and then slam their car in fucking reverse on the HIGHWAY because they missed their exit.  Take the next damn exit and hop back on the highway in the opposite direction!

Makeup is an artificial combination of shades applied to the face and neck for the purpose of increasing one’s attractiveness. At that level, you can say that a beard is like makeup, in that it is styled and kept to improve a man’s appearance. There is, however, a difference between the two as one is natural hair that

Running a comb through hair or a beard is not equivalent to applying various powders to the skin to achieve differing effects.  The hair naturally grows out of the body.  The root of the look is natural.  The human body grows hair.  The human body does not produce many of the pigments and shades applied to the human

All people are judged on their looks 24-7.

Not if they have Platinum Angel ;)

Only Apple could make the argument that a $750 smartphone is “affordable”. Nah, son, $0.99 cent gas station coffee is affordable. Your phone costs nearly as much as a root canal with dental insurance.

Since when are gamers only exposed to content created after their birth? This article and the title make it seem like it’s a feat in and of itself that a developer would be inspired by games “before their time”. Big whoop, most people who like games dig into the past of gaming whether they grew up with classics or

This writer pissed away the opportunity to offer a great tip.  Don’t continue topping off your gas tank after it has filled.  Once the pump nozzle kicks, shake off the last couple drips and hang it back up.  Several vehicles make use of an evap system that can be destroyed by topping off the gas tank.

Unless you’re in an extreme situation where you cannot see through your windshield at all, you should never use the communal gas station squeegee and filth bucket on your car unless you hate it. All you’re doing is putting filth and grime onto your windshield.