
Is anyone else as obsessed with the new White Canary jacket as I am?

It also helps that canonically Sara is likely the best fighter out of all of them. Sara clearly had an edge over Laurel in their sparring, which shows both how much Laurel's improved to be even able to keep up with Sara, and how Sara is by far the more experienced fighter. That aligns well with Caity Lotz and Katie

I was about to bring the whole might of my considerable internet-nerd-rage upon the AV Club (i.e. this one article's Disqus feed) when I saw the suggestion that Avatar should be rebooted. Then I realized that the article was suggesting an anthology series, which would be fantastic.

While I'm of the sentiment that paper is best, phone reading is great for catching up on series that I didn't have time or money for. Marvel Unlimited, for all its quirks, lets me catch up on loads of wonderful runs I missed out on initially. Beats trying to track all of those back issues down in physical stores.

Riley definitely seems to be the link between all of the other Sensates. Practically every single instance where all of the Sensates link up are because of her.

They shouldn't get rid of the flashbacks: it's too ingrained in the show's narrative DNA. Rather, the show should dial it back. Not every episode needs flashbacks. I would much rather have the show occasionally devote good chunks of an episode to a more complex flashback narrative than agonizingly stretch it out into

There's definitely an Arrow-office pool of how many episodes in a row Felicity can have a cry-scene, and Guggenheim has rigged the game.

Probably something that got cut for time.

See, there's nothing wrong with including romantic drama in the midst of all the action and mystery. The problem is the seriously wonky gender dynamics involved.

If there is one critical flaw to the entire CW DC-verse, it is it's inability to write women in the context of romantic relationships with primary protagonists. These women always end up being moral arbiters, the holier-than-thous, the ones who push and never give. It happened with Laurel, it's happening with Iris,

That moment where Daredevil performed his first billy club ricochet at the docks made giggle with glee. This show GETS IT.

blah blah pitfalls of time travel narratives blah blah dramatic resets blah blah

There's something hilariously endearing about a deadly lesbian assassin being so unused to normal social situations that she asks Laurel to hang out as if they were eight year olds.

It's truly surreal to think that for first time in the show's history, we saw every single series regular interacting with one another in the Arrow Cave. With the exception of Quentin, of course. It was a HUGE breath of fresh air. And with all of the lies falling like dominoes, the show finally looks like it's

A middle-aged lady being into a middle-aged man (AKA Joe West) does not make her a cougar.

To be fair, the only reason Laurel masqueraded as The Canary was because Lance had heard that Sara was back in town. Given the dire situation with Brick, the last thing anyone in Team Arrow wanted was to risk incapacitating Quentin in the middle of a major hostage crisis by dropping the "your daughter is dead" bomb.

Also: Tatsu wasn't fridged. Yay! Even if Maseo gets the patented Ra's al Ghul stabbity-stab treatment, it would be nice to have at least one kick-ass Asian character not die on this show. Give me my Katana now!

Good to see Roy didn't flip out over Ollie's death.

The biggest shocker of this trailer was Natasha…with bangs!!!

Korra, to me, has had one of the most compelling arcs of any fictional character in recent history. It wasn't always smooth: Book 1 cut off a potential arc of rediscovery with its deus-ex-machina ending. Book 2 exposed the worst sides of Korra's personality for all to see, and nearly ruined her credibility as a