
I’ve been dreading this, Kara!

That seems extremely quick. I don’t mean that in a judgmental way. I hope they are happy and remain that way. I’ve just known more than one couple whose coupling was inextricably linked to a recent tragedy in one of their lives. A marriage resulted both times. In both cases, the marriage was over in less than five

Like, good for them and all, but I’m just saying that, personally, I’d like to be mourned for more than a couple few months kthx.

Nope. Wife dies suddenly in her sleep and he’s married a year later? NOPE.

I’m just here to judge and remind folks that Patton Oswalt is a shitty person who makes a career of saying a lot of shitty, it’s-somehow-brilliant-because-I’m-a-white-guy things.

Nope, too soon. It’s none of my business and I’m glad they’re all happy but all the hair stands on the back of my neck when this happens

I am happy he has found love again. I will also say, men seem to move on way faster than women. It’s like they can’t stand to be alone. Especially if they have kids. When my dad died suddenly when I was eight, it was years before my mother (age 29) was ready to date again. I see guys engaged within a year of losing a

Uh, okay. Saying he needs to “get away from thots” then claiming he only recently became trash certainly implied that to me.

I don’t think it’s fair to blame Chyna for Rob being an abusive creep. He did the same slut shamey routine when he split from Rita Ora and that was 5 or 6 years ago.

I’m sure you mean well, and I don’t intend this in the spirit of a pile-on, but you lead with questioning abuse accusations and ended with giving a pseudo-pass on revenge porn.

Repeat after me: revenge porn is never ok.

That’s absolutely revenge porn. He should face charges. End of story.

Says more that their co-stars are staying silent on this though it seems they’ve quit the show anyway.

MA will be wasted trying to make the best of another stupid script. Season 1 was crap before Season 2 was worse crap. There has to be something better out there for MA.

Reminds me of Master of None lol.

He’s basically porn’s Hugo Schwyzer. It was also verboten to speak out against him until the allegations reached critical mass, and he was legitimized all over the place, including on this site.

He was heralded as a “good feminist” for years; if you spoke ill of him for any reason even prior to the allegations being more publicized, you’d be run out of town for alienating an ally or whatever. It was completely fucked up.

A reminder that people in the porn industry have been saying that James Deen is a rapist for years, but no one in the media would report the story:

It would be a lot of releases and some of those would include people that Deen could lean on to get them not to sign.