
In a perfect world, Cosby and men like him would go to jail and have to pay money to the victims. But rarely do either of those things happen in our system. By settling, victims can get some semblance of justice and that should be supported.

Why shouldn’t it be normalized? Until the “justice” system gets better at putting away rapists (it’s estimated that only around 3% ever see jail time), women are better off in the civil system because they actually have an attorney that’s advocating for them and their interests (vs prosecutors who represent the state)

Crazy idea: wanting money after getting raped is 100% okay and we should start normalizing it. There are huge quantifiable losses via medical bills, costs of therapy, things taken as evidence that are never returned, missed work, loss of productivity at work and SO ON. And that’s not even touching on the dramatic

My rapist threatened to sue me for speaking out. Many of my friends have by threatened by their rapists too. One of the assaulters actually went through with it a now my friend has to scrape together money for a lawyer, all because she spoke out trying to protect other women. Please consider donating: https://www.gofun

Canadian Nessie!!!

Imagine if the call was “Tell is your pants-pissingest trauma-inducing experiences with men” :(

I yelled “NO” and shrieked several times reading this! Agggghhhhh Look at Me the sequel 😱


Man, even ghost cops are dicks!


Worth it just for the butt.

Take your star and go.

Cheating on someone and gasughting them about it to the point of PTSD is pretty fucking unfeminist, people. Jesus.

This comment section proves an emphatic yes to willful blindness. Jesus, the mental backflips of some people...

These kids are dead ringers for my first boyfriend and it weirds me out. That’s my off topic comment for the day haha

You can’t cover that glorious hair!

He commented something like “That caption tho lol 💯” and later “apologized.”

Dean is trash though :(