A brand-new Ferrari Enzo. At the time if you had already bought an F40 and an F50 you had the option of being allowed to spend $659,000 for a new Enzo.
A brand-new Ferrari Enzo. At the time if you had already bought an F40 and an F50 you had the option of being allowed to spend $659,000 for a new Enzo.
"Reddit is creepy"
I have an air-chisel from Princess Auto. $20, two years ago and still going strong. Also, it's the single cheapest place on the planet to buy cargo straps and come-alongs. ooh and cheap dirt bikes and grip tape and trailer hitches and trailer wiring... I love me some Princess Auto. Plus, from the sounds of the…
Obamacare means Doctors can now create their own patients... or something crazy I heard from the TeaParty.
Just sayin' Fred Phelps's head would probably explode.
Good for you, but to really piss off WBC you'd really need to make out with Danica at a NASCAR race. That'd show 'em.
Wow. Now that was a thoughtful and insightful contribution to the conversation. Please, dear sir, feel free to chime in with more helpful advice and witty prose.
Nikki Lauda. Crash, Fire, Burns to the Face, Racing again in an unbelievably short amount of time...
Dear BMW. Shut the front door. I'll be out robbing my nearest financial institution as soon as you release specs and price.
LED headlights are sharp-looking, for sure. But what is the replacement cost like when one of the LEDs finally dies? And don't say it happens so irregularly that it isn't worth worrying about. I've seen dozens of Cadillac DTS, CTS-V, and, Escalades with burned out LEDs and they're not that old. There's a two-year-old…
Meh, the bears get paid. PETA looks the other way.
And... cue totally original, fire-related comments... now.
My truck is long enough to block in at least two of them.
I would kill for a (non-ugly) after market wiper for the hatch on my truck's canopy.
So, what do you think of the Lance Armstrong affair? Who's a bigger dick for taking steroids and lying about it Armstrong or Clemens?
Oh poor deluded tea-partiers who think they're moving up here to escape socialism. You should know that even with a Conservative gov't we have heath-care, abortion, gay marriage, highish taxes, cops who look the other way at small amounts of pot... we make Obama look like a right-wing fascist.
Nope. In Canada schools that are used as polling stations remain open. The gym gets seconded as the polling station and gym class goes outside.
Don't you get time off to vote in the US? Here in Canada your employer is required by law, to give employees three consecutive hours of time-off to go and vote.