Yeah but they didn't do it in a third-world country (insert obligatory Detroit joke if you must) on what is likely a scavenger's budget.
Yeah but they didn't do it in a third-world country (insert obligatory Detroit joke if you must) on what is likely a scavenger's budget.
I have said this before on Jalopnik, about the Juke, but it bears repeating.
Yeah, but it also apparently has no tie-downs; relying on friction to hold the car in place. This is an all-around bad scene.
When I stomp through the moors, this is what I see
Yeah, I caught the typo and then forgot to go back and edit.
I completely agree, it's the change in price that has people up in arms. However, while it's true that Americans live in, shop in, budget for etc... in the States, I think that part of being a global community is a recognition that in some instances, your (colloquially not you specifically) population is getting…
I agree, it's a complex issue. However the fact remains that US gas prices are among the lowest in the world (Chart produced in March 2012). Here in Canada we face even larger hurdles to sustainable transportation because A. we're a bigger country and B. there're fewer of us. In the States the major centres have at…
There are cities up here in Canada that are seeing gas prices of $1.40/litre. That's equivalent to $4.70/gallon. Last month, while on vacation in Moab UT, we were paying about $3.29/gallon. Right now it looks like the US national average is about $3.25 - $3.40/gallon. In the UK it looks like gas is in the $8.00/gallon…
R Lee Emory would like a word with you, Mr. Shouty Pants. He has some screaming lessons you might find handy.
I'm not jealous or bitter in the slightest. I chose my life and my lifestyle. You have no idea how successful I am in life. Why? Because I don't flaunt whatever I may or may not have. That's humility.
This is your biggest problem in life? A problem that is so bad, you require an article about your wounded pride to make you feel better. Let's see if I understand this:
I had this when I was in Moab this summer. It was drinkable but, as you said it needed more... something. However as is stated on the label, I couldn't have just one, so I had two.
Trapster: because while texting and driving is dangerous, reading your mobile phone while speeding is totally safe.
Thermite. So much safer and so much more complete.
It's really cool and I love the '64 Chevelle, but never drive it? I don't think I could resist. I'd have to cruise it on Thursday nights in the summer - our town has a semi-sanctioned cruise.
It will be noisy. It won't be uncomfortable. Usually these are riding on modern suspensions etc... I know a guy in Vancouver who has a '37 Ford Coupe that is essentially a Corvette ZR1 underneath.
I have a first-gen (2003) Tundra that feels too big in Sylvan. How the bro-truck guys drive and park there is beyond me.
You know how stickers make a car faster? 250 is bigger than 350. Poser truck guys are weird.