
I had totally forgotten about this. Not a good earworm for a Tuesday.

I'm not sure that a conveyor belt counts as a land vehicle. But, if you're going to choose one, for the list, it should have been the WAC Bennett dam's conveyor belt. Set in northern British Columbia, construction started in 1957. The Bennett dam is 2 kilometers long, 183 meters tall and 800 meters wide at the base.

Hey $kay. I can cover Gamecat. Given that it took me four glances to even see the beer in your pic perhaps this isn't necessary. However, here goes...

See this 1954 Chev? It's my Dad's. Don't scratch it because paint it expensive. However, you are encouraged to drive it, you can eat it in (provided you can drive a stick and eat at the same time), and you can drink in it. His theory is that it can be cleaned before a show so you might as well enjoy the damn thing.

Yeah, if you watch it frame by frame, he totally felled a tree. You can see it drop. Amazing he's not dead.

Nobody stops to make sure the guy's ok? Nice. Sure it was just a flare gun and the window was closed, but for those of us who don't live around guns... how would you know that?

Jesus Matt. Defending your turf isn't that hard - you're from Texas for Christ's sake. Throw 'em a couple of interns to chew on, reset the wifi password, climb to the roof of Jalopnik headquarters and barricade yourself behind the AC unit. Once you have a secure location post something really inflammatory to Jezebel,

Got it. My misunderstanding. Thx.

Yeah. I should have said cargo and/or coal. Most coal trains are in the 10,000 - 11, 000 foot range. The intermodal trains are getting to be down right ridiculous in length.

That's a factory-built tent trailer. Nothing home-built about it.


CN Rail's cargo and coal trains. Up to 14,000 feet (four km) long.

Miata 787b Edition.

Too bad. Over the weekend I had R&B's Hoppleganger, Phillip's Hoperation Triple Cross and their Amnesiac. Last night my wife and I shared Driftwood's Fat Tug IPA. All three breweries are in Victoria, BC and very readily send beer to us here in Alberta.

Are they exporting?!

Awesome Hadaken. We road trip all the time, every summer and it's an experience that can't be replicated. We're going to do a summer-long, road trip in a couple of years. Rad.

A mid-80's TransAm.

Clearly I missed that. Stupid work getting in the way of my video-watching.

Not to be nitpicky but the aftermath shot isn't the same car. The one that explodes is a 2010-2012. The yellow one with the hole in the hood is older - like a 2001, maybe.

Sorry. I've just heard skip-loader around here, lately. There's lots of equipment working in town right now. Just to confuse things even more, in England, this is also a Skip.