
This episode focused the least on the black experience, which is something that Joelle has praised throughout the show even during episodes that I found weaker, which could be why it received a lower rating. Art is subjective, so I completely understand how that aspect of the show can make up for its other

Joelle and I really aren’t on the same page with this series... this episode was the best of the season for me, and yet it’s the only one so far to get less than an A grade. Opinions sure are weird, huh?

Aha, yes -- thank y’all for the correction. I’ll edit for posterity.

Oh, I’m super rusty! Tried to check everything I was unsure about, but it’s the things you are *not* unsure about that get you in trouble. Thanks for the correction. I appreciate the different perspective on Mike, too -- will have to think more about whether his perception of himself as a pro is really out-and-out

1. Yeah, I messed up on that one. I’ll fix it — thanks for the heads up.

Whups! Thanks for the correction. I’ll fix it!


Based on their behavior, they were really “Badfellas.”

As of press time, Tyson was overheard workshopping his “Why do they call it Ovaltine? The mug is round, the jar it comes in is round; they should call it Round-tine” material.

Not sure it was a confirmation that Gus is gay. They’re extremely cruel, hateful cartel members, and killing his male partner and referring to him as a ‘boyfriend’ seems like something they’d do no matter what the relationship was.

Never stopped to think of that parallel either.

This was the first time I saw the connection between Gene flipping out in his lonely living room with the police scanner and Chuck & his anxiety problems. Were there hints before? Nothing good comes of McGill brothers trapped and alone.

Mike took offense to Kai calling Werner soft in trying to suck up. The other guy knows Mike killed Werner and just punched the guy ahead of him, but he still said his peace that Werner was a good man and didn’t deserve his fate. Mike respects that.

The Guardians of the Galaxy were the friends we made along the way. Actually, that’s a pretty accurate summary.

Spoiler alert: We were the Guardians of the Galaxy the entire time.

“The demands of action and comedy, however, are apparently much too great a weight for this action-comedy to Lyft.”

Can you blame the film-makers for not getting the character right? He’s a complicated man.

“Heeeeey, father-uncle.”

This is why Boss Baby is going to make so much more money than this.

Strongly agree; Citizen Kane def would have been better if it was called Newspaper Boss