@Ravennl: It's a niche product created solely for showing off to friends & enemies alike. Bring together a nation of players & haters for one common cause. Now you can still see the strippers when sending a text back to your honey dew.
@Ravennl: It's a niche product created solely for showing off to friends & enemies alike. Bring together a nation of players & haters for one common cause. Now you can still see the strippers when sending a text back to your honey dew.
@Applerain: Total Recall staring Arnold
@pluginandgo: I think you may be misled in you comment. The press conference will be about everyone who purchased the iPhone 4 getting a 1/2 price voucher for the iPhone 5 or a 3/4 price voucher for the iPhone 6 with early upgrade options. That way, they can hold on to more customers unders the iTunes infrastructure.…
@tfskora: "i'm talking about the "i hope they hold the conference the right way" aahhh,"
@Holyelephant: I hope everyone does sell their stock. Prices so low I can afford to buy 51% of Apple & be in control. I will make Apple a more open company sharing insiders secrets with Google in the hopes they do the same & we take over the world together as fierce competitors should under desirable circumstances.
Any advice for an OSX Snow Leopard user? I have a 120GB in my MBP & not sure how to ensure that I keep the performance up to par while ensuring a longer life for my SSD.
@gburke: That's pretty cool. I guess I better start saving receipts so I can start tracking my family's spending habits.
Do people use this for business or personal use. I am looking into getting my personal finances budgeted & in order, but would be interested in using this to keep track of my business finances as well. While I'm on the subject, any good ideas on how to create a budget? I'm tired of living from paycheck to paycheck.
@jadams-uk: I was born in February & didn't find the r until I was in 4th or 5th grade.
@jaaronisrael: Damn, your a great teacher.
@metronome49: Reminds me of the movie Pet Sematary where Herman Munster got his mouth sliced open with a scalpel by that poor innocent little boy.
I thought this kid was unlocking iphones to use with other carriers. Not so amazing anymore.
You did great. I hope to see some drawing tutorials from you soon.
@NewSc2: My initial focus will be hip-hop & R&B, but from there I want to spread out to cover any genre I can find a fit in. I do have a Edirol FA-66 [www.rolandus.com] for my audio interface. Right now I'm at the point where I think I have what I need to get a good start, but no idea where to get started. With my…
@NewSc2: I have everything you suggested except the monitors. I will get a pair & take your advice. Thanks.
I thought this shit was supposed to be gorilla glass. [www.engadget.com]
VOTE: Microsoft Word
Can we get an equipment list? I'm trying to get a setup similar to this, but I'm not sure what equipment I need for music production. Right now I just buy a piece here & a piece there as I come across it & my budget allows.