
@fredcadete: Won't be long before I reach my limit & my referrals will be taking my place among us.

Does anyone know how to use the old wireless g router as a switch directly connected to the cable modem & then connected my wireless n router to that? I want to use the switch as a direct connection to the internet.

Dropbox is the best thing ever. Almost completely eliminates my need to carry flash drives around. If you'd like to get a free 2GB account with a bonus 250mb for each of us, please sign-up using the link below. Thanks.

What would you suggest to someone who is allergic to DEET? I had a bad breakout when I was younger & have stayed away from the stuff since. Recently I move to a new house & the mosquitoes have become very bad in the neighborhood.

Dropbox is the best thing ever. Almost completely eliminates my need to carry flash drives around. If you'd like to get a free 2GB account with a bonus 250mb for each of us, please sign-up using the link below. Thanks.

@Fort: My friend you are a genius. I'm hoping that a window fan like the Air King [www.amazon.com] in addition with an adjustable window screen in the opposite window will cause a straight through breeze to cool off my upstairs oven.

@tomsomething: Not sure. Can this be done from the inside? I don't have outside access to the windows. Would a screen help that much? I figure it would still be hot since it's hot outside, just not as hot.

I have an attic that I work out of. Lately in the evening my thermometer says it's 103 degrees up there & that's after giving it a couple of hours to cool off. I have windows at the opposite end of the house, but they don't have screens so I don't want to open them due to bugs. Any suggestions on how I can cool off

If you are new to Dropbox & would like an account, you can use the link below to get an extra 250MB in addition to the 2GB you get with a free account. I will also get a bonus of 250MB, so thanks in advanced.

The clock/thermometer in my attic (where all my equipment is located) says 103 degree when I get home from work. I need advice on ways to keep it cool so I don't end up overheating my computer & other equipment. There are windows on each end of the room, but they don't have screens, so I don't want to open them

Can I use this for my G1? This is the missing feature I've been looking for.

This is the new Apple TV

Can I get this on my G1? This is what I've been waiting for.

Looks better than what I get from my 3.2mp Kodak.

Can I get a find my keys app? I have no idea where they are right now.

Since we're talking about kids books, where the Choose You Own Adventure Series?

Phones are the new laptops!

@Mooncow27: Yeah I'd like to know as well. If I put $20m into something, there better be a damn good ROI.