Film gets made, everyone loves it and it does well, so of course decades later it will be remade to cash in again. It’s almost like it’s the...
Shark Nose all the way.
I myself was hoping to start an aftermarket vinyl face sticker business for Model 3 customers... you know, to fund my Model S. >:)
Rob Dahm is a man of many varied and particular talents. He’s a successful entrepreneur, runs a YouTube channel with…
Is it that tiny, or is he that tall?
Sorry, for $50K, I’d take a Porsche or an Aston Martin. Of course, if I wanted something reliable, cheap to fix, and great for a road trip, I’d probably buy a new SS. Oh wait, I did!
Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.
I am a month and a half out from an extremely violent rape perpetrated by a friend. I went to a wedding. I got tipsy. I asked to go home. I was bitten, beaten, raped and burnt instead. I’m 37. I wasn’t doing anything crazy to “earn” what happened. I can’t wait for a slut walk in my area. I’ll wear the long dress and…