What... what thesis?
What... what thesis?
The “Knights of Ren” being a corruption of Revan’s name makes sense.
Seems like it was just killed off because they weren’t the ones that came up with the concept.
With all the rumor that one of the kids is actually Luke’s kid, we may see Mara Jade yet. She was/is such a beloved character that I’d be surprised if they didn’t work her in one way or another.
And my only point is that it all was unnecessary on the scale the decided to approach at. There was no need to nuke everything (including Old Republic) and doing so is the “easy way out”.
I don’t know, actually. Revan’s centrality in the recent SW: TOR xpac is something that greatly widened the audience’s memory of him.
Which is why I feel the “clean slate” isn’t necessary. It is the easy, no-effort option out of all the various choices which also happens to give Disney the most room to pump out Star Wars films until the market is sick of them.
I have a crazy theory that they’re going to tie Revan into the new films since he became such a HUGE figure in the EU.
It was erased from canon. I left a long explanation of why this is silly in the greys,
My issue is that the integrity of worldbuilding relies on the integrity of supporting said worldbuilding.
Thank you. I’m firmly of the camp that there was no need to do a full-on “reboot” and they could have simply overwritten the post-Endor era for their new stuffs.
Are we really so far from the ‘80s that we can’t recognize a coke nail?
I’d just, personally, back away from the idea that hiring a certain type of person for one role on a movie set means anything. There’s no need to pretend that an intrinsic trait in one person means different when they all have to go through the same hollywood bullshit machine to get there.
To be frank there’s one guy who should get the keys to Flash and they refuse. You know, the guy who spearheaded the insanely popular and well-received TV Flash.
I can’t play without proper controller support. At least, without destroying my hands all over again and poking at my injury (learned that the hard way).
Look. I used the addon for a long time. We’re not asking for hacked support, we’re looking for the console-UI that doesn’t replace the mouse with a thumbstick.
Using a controller with an addon that hadn’t been updated since last year and non-native support requiring often even more tedious work to use thumbsticks as a de facto mouse are the sort of things that make me laugh raucously at such a suggestion.
I’d have a lot more sympathy for Zeni if they hadn’t spent a fortune designing a specific controller setup and UI. I’m with you.
It isn’t “petty” when they promise and then don’t deliver. I need to use a controller for reasons linked to an injury, and it is a big deal.