Oh, Americans and our sense that if you're over 20 and live with your parents you are a failure at life. We're very special in this regard.
Oh, Americans and our sense that if you're over 20 and live with your parents you are a failure at life. We're very special in this regard.
YES. And now he is besties with Avril Lavigne.
So she lives with her parents? Big fucking deal. Some people live with family for a million reasons. I currently live with an aunt because i had a falling out with my roommate and since i was supposed be getting married in a few months at the time it made sense to live with her instead of getting a 12 months lease on…
For new material, definitely. Adjustments would never be made to the text of an established Mamet play, unless David Mamet was personally involved. But it's also kind of a understood that a reporter NEVER critiques or reviews a play during previews. Press night for this show (when it's officially okay to give an…
To be somewhat fair, this was not "opening night" it was the the first preview. She still has plenty of time before opening night.
are you sure YOU'RE not Selena & Justin?
Pretty much the only thing I miss about my ex is the fact that he can quote almost any Stefon sketch verbatim.
Fund a female. Not woman. Female. I fund a female cat. We met on Whiskr.
But on the same token - if we are the constantly the ones selecting this type of look, they why are we hypocritically angry at her for having it? She's someone who is trying to be famous and have a career and playing into a common trope to do so. There are so many things wrong with our valuation of youth and…
Her tongue, her choice. I'm sick of the way moral asceticism is used to police women's bodies.
Am I nuts or is that dress a little circa '97 Delia's catalog in the bodice? Not that I'm complaining.
The consistency with which we constantly undermine the capacity for this family of women to achieve even moderately intelligent or creative thought has really begun to chafe me.
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my buzzsaw.
No, it's a completely different thing that I found on the internet.
I really like Lena Dunham's look... it's got that casual/formal mix which I (unlike Callie) adore (I'll concede, though, that a v-neck t-shirt or scoop(ish) tank would probably have worked better than a button down that's all buttoned up). I don't think the cap sleeve is the most flattering sleeve length on her, but…
Don't feel bad, I didn't know that a cat panting = "terrified out of my mind " until I took my Mr. Cosmo to the vet. He began panting heavily in the car and by the time we got to the vet, he'd fainted. They had to put my baby on an iv drip. He is a sooty black like the cat in the video, so it hurt my heart a little to…
That cat actually looks terrified. Cats don't usually pant except when they are under stress. Poor little guy.