mental illness, self-inflicted?
mental illness, self-inflicted?
She initially told investigators that a stranger came into her bunk in the middle of the night, because she "didn't want to get him, a friend, in trouble" (a claim that, of course, was used to discredit her later).
If you think Suri Cruise was created to backup an image of a sham-marriage, you're not looking deep enough. Suri Cruise was created for one thing and one thing only: world domination. She is the force that will align the rebels and bring the revolution.
Adult woman has sex, is not ashamed of herself. Boy, you really zinged her.
I'll never stop rooting for Kim and Kanye to make it.
To a certain extent. I admit I did enjoy the x files about a town founded by former side show acts.
"Rest in peace, Colleen Donaghy. You were 87 years young, 14 in demon years, and you went out of this world like you came into it: wearing a hat."
Ooh, ooh! I saw Penn Badgley at this now-defunct Italian restaurant on 21st and Broadway. He smiled at me. He is SO CUTE OMG. I cannot believe Blake Lively chose that giant Ryan Reynolds doof over the fine-boned handsomeness that is Mr. Badgley.
I just can't hate Franco. He just seems to be having such a good time with life. He is a great actor and he seems to be living life to the fullest even if it's strange and silly sometimes. I don't have a crush on him like I did at the beginning of his career, but I also don't find him insufferable.
I can understand getting a rabbit nanny. As a (sadly) former rabbit owner, those little guys will build nuclear weapons and plot to take over the world under your couch if you don't watch them.
Thank you for the Upright Citizens Brigade reference!
So I have to ask, since she kept the charming stainless steel murder table, were the torture chambers still intact? I mean, as a renter / buyer the inclusion of already constructed torture chambers COULD swing me either way. It's like that house I saw once with the hot chicks room and the bucket of truth.
Goop, Part Deux. Electric Boogaloo.
totally fucking haunted
Thank you! You are my people! This movie is the most reactionary piece of garbage EVER. Jenny was against the war and slept with black dudes, so of course she needs to die a horrible death.
I hated this movie because it seemed to say that being simple and lacking in curiosity (ahem George W. Bush) was more upright that questioning the status quo and trying to do something about it (like that whore Jenny who owns her own body and sleeps with who sleeps with who she wants, but gets HIV, because WHORES.)
My mom has promised to visit me after she dies. She says she will run an icy, cold finger down my foot in the middle of the night to let me know there is an afterlife. I asked her if she could leave me a note instead. She said no.