what does the fonz say

thank you. Jesus Christ. it's so gross how everyone here wants to bend over backwards to lick his asshole right now.

right, I get it. I just don't find it funny or at all masterful.

and as a standup comic myself, I get that. I wouldn't want my underdeveloped material to haunt me forever either but this is one thing that always kind of bugged me about him regardless. I like his style and I get the appeal, but this one always felt like let's give the straight white guy a pass cause he gives us so

I'm familiar with it. I still think it fell short. I don't hate him but the way he handled it, episode included, is something everyone kind of dismissed. it was an important episode but it didn't feel resolved IMO.

It really was just like watching a golden retriever live it's life.

Wasn't there a "Sex and the City" episode with a similar theme? I think it involved one of the characters' friends who met clandestinely in low-lit restaurants with the woman of his dreams, but refused to be seen in public with and later dumped her because he didn't want others to think of him as someone who dated fat

I can't decide whether this is my favorite comment ever, or my least favorite. Could go either way.

I hate how he's getting all of this credit for ~starting this conversation~ all of a sudden (the internet is LOOOVING this) but women have been trying to say EXACTLY what this episode is trying to say for. YEARS. No one cares until a straight white dude decides to talk about something.

Taxi had nearly this same episode over 30 years ago.

I think Lynne Truss (the author of "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves") made a children's book including such punctuation errors as that one!

I learned that watching Boy Meets World! It basically blew my mind then.


Using a common abbreviation is hardly bastardizing the English language. Do you go around saying "man, I really need to get to an automatic teller machine," or "my self-contained underwater breathing apparatus diving experience was really amazing"? It's ridiculous to assume that every abbreviation is a

I like "Let's eat, Grandma" and "Let's eat Grandma" - the difference between dinner with grandma and cannibalism

Now playing

Well la-de-da Mr. fancy French man, with your "garage."

Well, to be fair, $60,000 for a drive-in closet is pretty ostentatious.

weblog? web...log? weh.........blog? Oh, you must mean blog.

Bieber looks like the hero of his own cowboy romance novel. He tames stallions, but who can tame his heart? (Shudder.)

IDK, I think this is the BEST kind of Beyonce insider knowledge.

This is better than my INSIDER BEYONCE INFO from someone who has worked with her who I knew when I was writing for TV, which is: Beyonce is a huge pothead.