what does the fonz say

I don't know why we think it has to be either/or - Kanye can be simultaneously disliked because he's black and because he's crazy, and the two can definitely play off each other. It's kind of like that old saying - if you're poor, you're crazy, if you're rich, you're eccentric. Egomaniacal white dudes are confident

Meeeeee neither. I think my end point against Kanye's claim that it's about their race would be that most people don't consider Kim white, which in 'Murica actually doesn't really make this as much of an interracial couple as we'd consider some other combinations to be. I feel like our society is most concerned with

Kanye criticism DOES have a tendency to get racist and condescending because white people.
Also, every time Kanye talks about racism people make a point of calling it a "rant".
Calling someone "crazy" all the time is quickest way to invalidate all their concerns.

No, that was the trade off for corporate personhood. Corporations get to be people, republicans are now soulless, corporate robots.

The sense of being oppressed is strong in this one. I wish I were still an English teacher so I could use your comment as an example of irony. Eh, I'll hold on to it anyway, just in case - thanks!

"Taylor Swift's haircut flaunted its human host Taylor Swift in Los Angeles."

Republicans are people?

After years of sticking his neck out for everyone else no one steps up to the plate to return the favor?

Lilo's participation makes perfect sense to me. Like the Republican Party leadership, she's out of touch with reality, desperately trying to hold on to disappearing prestige and followers, and will do anything for a buck.

I bet Bruce puts a Bruce Jenner action figure in his little helicopter and whispers, "You're free. You're finally free." when he flies it around.

Dakota Johnson told Vanity Fair that Anastasia Steele is "kinda boring" because she's an English major.

Here's to great friendships among truly great women.

I suspected that my mother didn't love me, and this seals the deal. Never once do I recall her fretting over what my storyline would be during the upcoming season.

I love the Skin collection, and Lamb to the Slaughter is one of my all-time favourite short stories! =3

Do you pop out at parties?

That misidentification was intentional, the better to hurt the leafy greens.

Reading Dahl's short fiction at a much too early age is what made me into the snark wizard I am today. I recommend it to everyone.