
so you are certain that no massive cheaters have been elected? how about managers who directly benefitted from the massive cheating?

I’m honestly annoyed even by those “I ate your Halloween candy...JUST KIDDING!” videos. I mean, why would you think it’s funny to mess with your child’s trust in their parents?

We are not required to like her. Why bring up beyonce, can we not defend women without bringing up other women.

Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry!

Thankfully, we don’t do review scores here which means you can just judge what I wrote instead of some arbitrary number.

I had no difficulty completing Sonic Mania. This is not my first rodeo. I grew up with a Genesis because I wanted to one up my NES-owning friend down the street. Sonic has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Here’s a picture of the Sonic action figure I found at my parents’ house the other day. I

I’m greedy and want more. It’s so much fun that I can’t help but wonder what the game would look like with additional levels. :D

We as a society really need to get over the idea that there are two equal sides to every story. No, we don’t need to have a “dialog” about everything. The world is round, climate change is happening, humans are a product of evolution by natural selection, and racism is wrong. Period. When you treat these people like

Dear Fascist Bastards,

Agreed. Don’t worry about bruising my ego; I’m not here for pats on the back. Just tell me what I can do to help.

NOw if More White People had your responses, AMerica would DEFINITELY Be great!

As a white guy living in the South I have seen and heard enough over the years to know that this has been a long hard fight that isn’t over. All I have to say is to carry on and keep up the fight.

On behalf of the Red Wings fans all.across the nation, allow me to say: Fuck you, assholes. Get your own goddamn symbol.

Fucking idiots, the wheel is obviously moving in a direction towards the left.

Ummm...some of those delusional motherfuckers should really dig a little deeper into their ancestry/heritage. Pretty sure they aren’t nearly as “pure” as they seem to think they are.

Now playing

You totally forgot the best one from E3 2013: