
You should watch more boxing

Floyd walked Conor down the entire fight though. Conor’s power had little weight in there

Gotta be subbed!

Because it is a lot easier to hide behind THE TROOPS than it is to have a discussion on an uncomfortable subject.

People only make this tortured free speech argument, as private companies of course aren’t covered in the first amendment, in favor of white supremacist groups.

Since 1775


I’ve usually found that “I’ll be honest with you...” or “To be frank...” or “To tell you the truth...” comes before a statement the the speaker is afraid the listener is either not going to like or take well.

I wouldn’t necc. expect Harvard to kick him out, but let’s be clear this is not about ‘having a view they don’t agree with’.

>>>>” Shouldn’t the party have learned their lesson about trying to direct candidates rather than allowing people to run and see who comes out ahead?”

They are seeing no light other than Trump isn’t fucking others harder and faster enough.

A day doesn’t go by without the “white” race being vilified on both smaller sites like the one we’re talking on, or mainstream media like MSNBC or CNN.

Oh, GDP 9 percent, not well. And I’m saying to myself, here we are at like 1 percent, dying, and they’re at 9 percent and they’re unhappy. So, you know, and these are like countries, you know, fairly large, like 300 million people.

“Buy a bottle of dick-fixer and if you order in the next 30 minutes you get a bottle of chocolate chicken-bone juice powder ABSOLUTELY FREE, just pay extra shipping and handling! So good that John Oliver even drinks it on his show! ORDER NOW!”

Sorry but this is a horseshit opinion. Coke Zero tastes a lot different from Diet Coke, it’s sweeter and has that spicy, slightly citrusy flavor to it like Coca-Cola whereas Diet Coke does not. (The “base formula” of Coke Zero is the original Coke formula whereas the base formula of Diet Coke was and is the New Coke

I was always going to vote for Obama, but I was initially conned into thinking McCain wouldn’t be a bad alternative. Then he picked Palin and I realized he was a complete sell-out.

Yep around 25% loved his psychpathic ass enough to vote for him and another 50% couldn’t be bothered to do anything cause “they all the same”. Worse that 50% still believe that and remain unlikely to vote for or against Trump in the future. American is getting exactly what it deserves, honestly hoping GOP gets their