
It’s always about policy James because that’s how you judge the president. The problem with Trump is that his white supremacist buddies are in the White House, in advisory roles, along with him. They’re helping him create policy. I didn’t move the goal posts on you James. One guy enlisted a bunch of shit stains to

James you’re a special kind of stupid if you think that any of that nonsense you just wrote is the same as the man you seem to support pursuing naked, white, nationalist policy.

Ya know James. You’re right. Supporting an overt, white nationalist that surrounds himself with other overt white nationalists is totally the behavior of good, decent, people. Kinda like when 76% of white people in Alabama supported the alleged pedophile. That’s what character looks like.

We will never know because we can’t measure it.

It doesn’t matter.

And yet 65 million American voters along with another 120 million people that couldn’t even be bothered didn’t bite.

The first choice you get is whether you engage with it at all.

Today I learned that normal broadcast content and commercials are one and the same.

Cue the GoFundMe in 5....4....3...2....

The media shows Americans what they want to see/read. They aren’t the problem. Americans are.

The ceiling for the lowest income quintile was $3,000/year in 1967 and $21,000/year in 2013. The ceiling for the second quintile was $5,850/year in 1967 and $41,035/year in 2013. The average member of the bottom quintile made $1,600/year in 1967 and $11,594/year in 2013. The average member of the second quintile made

I’d prefer it if you were right but I think they really are unhappy about how much stock Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates have along with the fact that CEOs of the top ~500 companies (basically in the world) average eight figures while they make 35k/year. Never mind that odds are they are not employed by one of those

You’re basically saying you can’t tell me what fair looks like but you’ll know it when you see it. That’s a problem. Income tax rates don’t do anything about wealth inequality either.

I’m asking people how total income and wealth should be allocated not what marginal tax rates should be.

Feel free to answer the same question posed to Nolan. How much is fair?

Holy shit that’s ridiculous.

Thanks for clearing that up.

The question being argued is what, if anything, should be done about it.

When an author starts throwing around words like disproportionate it seems like they believe an equal (proportionate) one is the fair distribution. However for accuracy’s sake I wish he’d come out and say it, explicitly, himself.

Have you ever provided an explanation of exactly how you think income and wealth should be divided? What is a proportionate share of the income distribution for the top quintile and the top one percent? What is an appropriate share of wealth for those same groups? What about the other four quintiles?