
Ignoring the fact that diversity is a proven good they didn’t even mention the very real, very measurable, preferential treatment for legacy applicants. I know at my alma mater (probably on their list) the legacy acceptance rate is around 20% and the general acceptance rate dropped to around 7-8% this year but sure,

I liked the low key racism in their question.

I wonder how many times the “violence is never the answer” crew have been the ones most deserving of an asswhipping. Funny how that works.

I agree. It’s just a tiny bit and apparently it’s way too much for independents.

Do you believe that in the age of big data analytics that their net is cast at “could vote” vs something far more specific?


What exactly makes you think your son is elite university material in the first place? Is he in the top, say, five in his graduating class? Is he at the flagship school in your city? Is he talking an elite course load? Does he have elite grades and extracurriculars? Does he have elite test scores? Is he even old

As long as the employer contribution remains uncapped I’m pretty sure that could be worked around.

Not people. White people. People aren’t the ones making up imaginary oppression. White people are.

Oh my god man.

You want it to be easy or a non issue because you like to dabble. Fine.

No one said anything about only representing the people that voted for them. Politicians represent people that vote.

It’s not corruption when the electorate doesn’t do its job.

When in life is “I forgot” a valid excuse for anything important?

Do you really think that’s not how our system works?

Please explain how asking that people register their party affiliation, something you can do via mail in some states, amounts to being an unreasonable burden on voting.

“The [United States] Has a Serious White Nationalist Problem”

Ding ding ding ding ding! Get this man (person) a prize!

Funny because that’s what I do when people complain about not having a voice in government while simultaneously refusing to use the mechanism that gives people a voice.

We’re talking about the general openness of primaries and people’s feeling that closed primaries aren’t democratic.