Whatta Yahoo

I don’t think they’re *only* worried about black backlash. One also needs to take into account those people who have cultivated for themselves the performative identity of ‘ally’ I haven’t seen it yet, but I hear it’s truly phenomenal, and worthy of a truly great character. I’m excited for it!

To me, it sounded like he thought Coates is too much an insider rather than too much an outsider. Too cozy not with whiteness per se, but with Capital. Thus the critique based on his neoliberal cred.

The switch is too expensive to be a choice for kids to carry around. The 3DS is a good price point for that. It’s two different markets, and Nintendo would be foolish to stop serving one of these. Not only are today’s sales important, but Nintendo brand loyalty begins YOUNG. They would be ill-advised to abandon

Slaveholders regularly fucked slaves. Used the children they had by slaves AS slaves, and called it all ‘improving the race’. This says nothing.

They LOVE it. His usefulness is as a troll and as a shield. They don’t actually respect him. They love how they can use him to hide behind.

You scoff, but if you don’t save the dongleflong, who will?

Who else could pull off such a dorky look? Not I!