Harold Dobey

And look, by birth im a northerner. I’d have likely fought against them on the grounds of them attacking the northern fort, but pretending they’re just evil traitors against washington DC is modern revisionism.

The Democratic party does not have a messaging problem. It has a results problem. They message the s*!t out of us, but never live up to their promises. Every election cycle we hear the candidates saying “elect me and I’ll fix things,” yet nothing ever seems to get fixed. At the national leve, there are exactly 535

Exactly. No winners to be found. Dining out while other cities in Texas are having to do refrigerator trucks to deal with the overflow of dead bodies? Not even an attempt to space out the tables. It’s so easy to believe that only the MAGAts aren’t taking this seriously enough but plenty of our folks are gonna play them

. The problem that we have in the Democratic Party is that we’re a big tent. Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. We have the Me Too movement, we have the Black Lives Matter movement, we have the gay rights marriage issue in our tent. So, it’s a lot more difficult to hone our

This illustrates an important point, though—being afraid of police (legitimately or not) to the point that you don’t stop when they pull you over gives them an excuse to take more extreme measures against you.

I’m willing to bet that we find this guy has a medical issue. Not so much an excuse, but it makes it understandable.

Another one bites the duster. Another one bites the dust.

Is his mother also going to sue her hairdresser?

Is that the same Seattle where the BLM protestors set up a Police free zone and then one of the protestors shot two black teenagers killing one of them?  

This lawsuit has about as many details as the Trump voter fraud ones, lol. Some dumbass kid said he was going to lynch a black kid, ghetto lotto!

I anticipate that more British cops will be carrying firearms in the future thanks to their knife wielding “migrants.


That’s along the lines of what I was thinking.  Going by a purely methodical approach, you want to apply the “blocking element” to the most likely avenue of transport for the disease.  That’s going to be the staff.

What the hell IS wrong with white people.  Just this past weekend they shot 47 people, killing 5 in their OWN community.  Oh wait.....

These comments are ridiculous. Black and brown communities are being ravaged by this virus and you think by not taking the vaccine, you're somehow being smart, or sticking it to the white man? Do you think that all the white people who have already taken it, or who will take it, will be fine but it'll magically kill

I wonder if the recent event in which a black man slashed the face of a female retail employee for requesting that he wear a mask ....would receive similar passionate comments.

A couple days ago I saw a young black man steal a grocery bag out of a 90+ year old white woman’s hand as she slowly walked to her car. He knocked her down in the process causing her to hit her head and start bleeding pretty badly. An ambulance was required.

Not possible.  All racism is caused by Trump and American police.  I know I’ve read that here.

This is pretty interesting, since colorism in Brasil is based on class and not really as much as solely on race (not saying racism doesn’t exist, it’s just more complicated).

I cannot wait to see the tears here when he is fully exonerated.