
I'm not white nor am I a man and I don't need a character that fits my exact sex and race to be able to identify with them. After all, that would be sexist/racist of me. As for representation - when there are more minorities than white heterosexual men buying and developing games, we'll see more of them.

This is a mountain made from a molehill. Video games were better when people stooped trying to inject their social commentaries into them and just enjoyed the game. Not everything is an attack on gender, race, or sexual preferences and and people are becoming overly sensitive to a point where it's almost silly.

What's with all the Social Justice Warriors picking fights with Ubisoft? This is like the absolute LAST game developer that the SJW/feminist crowd should ever be nitpicking and looking for something to bitch about. There are plenty of real issues concerning women found elsewhere.


I completely disagree, I think we have a good shot at this thing. Upsets happen all the time in soccer and the USMNT is better than people give us credit for.

I am getting really tired of this attitude. Do you guys watch soccer? Everyone is acting like we have basically no chance to do anything. The USMNT is a very good, middle of the road of the team who is perfectly capable of getting hot and going far or (gasp) winning the World Cup. Upsets happen all the time and this

Our play as of late? If anything, Turkey and Nigeria have me much more confident in the team than I was a month ago.

By the way, our FIFA ranking is 13. DONT SHORT THE STARS AND THE STRIPES.

They all whine to the refs, in every sport. It's only an issue for fans when it's a player they don't like.

Are Spurs fans the NBA's equivalent to St. Louis Cardinal fans?

Too bad they couldn't fix the A/C in time or during the game. *Wink

It sure as hell doesn't make him straight. Look, call transwomen whatever you wanna call them. If they want to call themselves "real women" because it makes them feel better about themselves, then fine. I could care less if a brunette dyed her hair and called herself a "true blonde". I'm not here to be the label

It's weird that you felt the need to specify that you've had four jobs. You could have just said "That does not sound like any of the jobs I have had." Do you think four is a large number of jobs?

wait you're serious? i hate those posts.

Not specifically Deadspin, but the rush to vilify this back page by fans and media alike was about as fierce and swift as the reaction to absolutely crucify (lets say) LeBron not shooting the last shot in the All-Star game.

.........separation between church and state? In the UK? .......Are you drunk?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it more racist to say she can't use Japanese backup dancers because she's white than it is to hire a Japanese crew to make a music video for the Japanese market — where this song has been the most popular? FYI, Avril Lavigne is more popular in Japan than the West.

It's a form of racism, really. Your opinion or your beliefs are invalidated by your whiteness.

You know that Japan has committed plenty of genocide of their own, right? Like, they killed more people during World War II than Germany did, and they did so mostly along ethnic lines.

Example #1