
Nah, you don’t.

haters gonna hate i guess

Nah man, the gaming community is just those that sort of play games a lot. And the games they play usually require waiting between matches for long high-level matchmaking. So, a game like agar became really popular because of how easy and fun it was to play between matches. So, it kind of lit up those game’s message

I’ve been having bad server problems with this game as well over the last week or so... It used to run smoothly when it first started, but not so much anymore. :( Sucks.

You just have to wait for a while, you combine automatically. You guys seriously haven’t played this game yet??? The real game community has been infatuated by this for a month.

Patriots tears are so delicious

NYC is a dirty fucking city. A lot, A LOT of people spend a lot of time trying to avoid this, either avoiding the dirt and smell physically, or avoiding admitting it mentally. Just walk past the corner of the subway that smells like piss and not think about it. Anyway, you start to have varied experiences with

Nah. She said she was drugged, and she wasn’t. she’s a lying bitch. You hurt your cause by hitching you SJWagon to this piece of shit.

That song sort of blows. I’m not sure you know what “Summer Party Anthem” means. But I take it this article was written by someone who probably hated “Blurred Lines”, so your taste in music is garbage.

Keep defending this lying bitch.

You’re a bit of a man-hater. I’m just letting you know.

Lol. nah, he just wants to say “fuck you” and it’s a pretty effective “fuck you” considering those chicks are now as important to the boxing world this weekend as I am. lol

Go fuck yourself.

If you don’t burn and loot things, you won’t be called a savage.

Watch out now! Some feminazi is going to tweet about you and get you fired.

“All the *insert stupid noun here*” is the most obnoxious fucking phrase ever.

It's about ethics in soap journalism.

I wish they would fucking partner with voobly to create a nice multiplayer matchmaking experience. Newsflash microsoft, your current HD matchmaking framework blows ass.

Hopefully they spend the next year redesigning the character look so that he doesn't look like a fucking disney princess.

Remember when Deadspin ran the daily column calling for Snyder to be replaced and said they would run it until he was replaced??? Lol. Ya'll are shitbags.