
fuck Europe, in this case, has the same connotation as fuck the al east. Both leagues are hated for their overplayed bullshit.

typical douchebag bringing politics into it. Soccer is a British word. And you are a fucking dumbass.

The sounders could beat the piss out of both those clubs. Any of the top mls clubs could. Lol. You must have been one of those that was so scared of Portugal yesterday. We outclassed them. And we did it because we have superior mls bred players. Fuck you you eurofile.

Fuck you. Our captain plays for the sounders and the MLS is much better than people give it credit for. Fuck Europe.

fuck you. And fuck ghana.

*plays damsel in distress game*

I'm sure I can find my own blood.

Clint Dempsey is a fucking boss hog. He's fucking captain America.

youre right. You shouldn't get in baseball. Its a competitive field, and tends to wash out people who quit things before they even start them.

We are going to dominate this fucking tournament. Nobody in the world has our conditioning. We are playing in our hemisphere for once. This is ours to lose. Brazil is the only team that might stop us.

I have no idea why everyone takes the groupthink attitude on SonicsRising seriously. If ballmer wanted to move the Sonics, he would have done the exact same thing as he's been doing now. The big 2billion that everyone says will keep him in LA is of much less importance to him considering his net worth, and his

i joke around on here a lot... But this is insufferable. This persons demeanor is not what I would think people want to emulate...

It's not trolling. I think we are going to win, and we've been placed wrong in the rather UnAmerican Venn Diagram. We are great, our athletes are great, and we are going to win. I'm tired of the defeatism.

nah. Its only wrong if you think that america isn't the best at everything, which of course we are. When the tournament is over, and Clint is kissing the trophy while messi cries in the background come back here, and we can talk about how awesome america is as usual.

nope. We are winning this fucker. Calling it now. The true dark horse is one that very few people see. We are going to make this "compitition" our bitch.

The US is incorrectly placed. Nobody thinks we're going to do jack shit because of our group but we are going to dominate the hell out of this tournament. We should be in dark horse/high hopes. Portugal in particular isn't going to know what the fuck hit them.

They both lost already.

Poor Thunder fans, are you upset? Did the team that was packaged and sent to you as a championship contender disappoint? Walking out on your team with 5 seconds left on the clock. LOL.

I find it funny how smug some of these comments are with regards to future automation. You guys have no idea the sort of changes that are taking place currently, and will accelerate in the future. Keep laughing. A lot of you are in creative fields that are a little more future proofed, so you won't feel the damage

Yeah. It was pretty surprising for me too. It's funny how that stuff happens... Just like on the NYC subway, these cops tend to come from nowhere pretty quickly.