
I don't know if my verbiage is showing through, but I'm a veteran. A very recent veteran actually. And while I was in the service, a couple months ago, I still supported military action to help save innocent civilians from being shelled in their own homes. A large majority of my good friends, all still in the

If you think chemicals killing a few dozen people is a big deal and is a case for war, yet shelling highly populated cities and killing a hundred thousand people isn't... then I'm not sure what to say.

This isn't going to be an invasion. This is going to be an airstrike. To give you an idea about the expected casualty rate of an airstike against Syria, let's look to the casualty numbers for the 2011 conflict in Libya.

You know, I care much less about these chemical weapons than other people do.

France, I think, would be willing. As well as Turkey. They can't really do a whole lot when it comes to precision air strikes though.

These things were moved? That's good. We probably know where most of them moved to... They don't have a tunnel network like North Korea. These things aren't that hard to find. And can still hit them. If they were moved into cities or densely populated areas, then we have to figure out if it's worth it to hit

I can understand people's frustration with current policies... but even if you totaled up the total number of of deaths from civilians in the Iraq and Afghani wars under both Pres. Bush and Pres. Obama, that totals out to be about 120,000. And those are the high end estimates. Most of those deaths come from the the

Actually, my first statement was slightly wrong, which then made your rebuttal wrong as well... Although they were dating while his father was still in power, they didn't get married until he was already a dictator... so... I think she expected it... :) But, he did start his regime off relatively nicely... sort of.

If all Pres. Obama wants to do is "slap a wrist," I think any strike against "Airstrikable" targets in Syria like artillery, Chemical weapon delivery devices, Armor, air assets, or Military use Petroleum can only help a normal civilian living in Syria. Because these are the weapons that are used against an area

I was talking about the Hutu government, that was working at most high levels of their government to eradicate the other ethnicities. There was less of a "leader" for that party than a the Communists and Nazis.

See, I guess I disagree. The only military actions that Pres. Obama has ever started, that I'm aware of was the immensely successful Libyan air campaign that he's trying to model Syria after, and sending those Army rangers down to Uganda to help with Kony.

I thought it was rather clear that I was referring to the Hutu government/party, of which, if memory serves, was pretty top down in favor of mass genocide, and would frequently talk about genocide in genocide terms while convened for cabinet meetings over tea and dumplings.

This is precisely the type of comments she was referring to. We have a lot of problems here, and it's true that we are doing some things in violation of some principle American/human rights... But Assad is calling artillery strikes on cities world war 2 style. Equating him to any of our recent presidents only serves

As a pretty fervent Seattle supporter, I was hoping that Monte Kiffin would fall through the cracks and sign on with us as an advisor, like he was rumored to be offered.

Thanks. And thanks for this piece. Honest to god, I don't like where Syria conversation has been heading in America. People can argue for either side, but I hate this idea that just because somebody is pro-intervention it means they are war-mongers/Neo-Conservatives/Anti-humanist.

Wait, how many countries has Pres. Obama invaded? I can't name one. He helped impose a no-fly zone on Libya... and inherited two other wars... but I can't think of a country he invaded. Also, I will never understand people's infatuation with drones.

Also, this "maybe-evil chemical weapons-wielding husband to Wife" line REALLY bothered me. There's no maybe here. He's super fucking evil. It's as if people want to whitewash this guys reputation, because if we looked at him for what he is (Hitler/Stalin/Hutu type terrible) and we realized the damage we are

She married the son of a brutal dictator, knowing she would be soon married to a brutal dictator. She is just as bad as the rest of them, unless she finds a way to publicly dissent from her husband.

OKC lied to get our team, now they're the sweetheart team of the league. Sactown lied about whether or not they had all their land bought to keep theirs. Somehow I have no problem with Hansen doin this.