I was expecting something other than a series of blurry photos.
The author REALLY built up this Cassy chick as having found the most clever way to find out about and bust a cheater. all she did was box up the obvious evidence...Big let down for sure... I expected multiple forms of shame thrown upon him...
I honestly say, ESPECIALLY at performance art, if you say anything goes, why doesn't everything go? I really believe he consented upfront. Everyone can change their mind and that should be respected. Did he indicate in any way to the woman that what she was doing was not ok?
He can't press charges because calling this "rape" is a joke. LaBeouf could have said "no", gotten up, ended his performance art piece at any time. It was clearly stated to those entering the performance that LaBeouf could end it at any time. It was only "rape" in the sense that a rape scene in a play or a movie (or…
I want to meet her so badly, if only to say- "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you, but I just have to tell you: I love you(r voice)."
Not particularly? I'm not sure what about your link has anything to do with the cultural significance of first/last name usage.
they have 40s? never seen em!
Given that Victoria's Secret doesn't carry bras in my size, I'm not wild about A Body for Every Body, either.
A warm welcome to the random dudes who show up in these threads to ask why women find catcalling offensive and then ignore all the answers!
Ya know, since I have become my baby, gained weight, and gotten older, the catcalling HAS diminished, and yes, in a weird way, I miss being seen as attractive. HOWEVER, I think that's a sign of how much we've internalized the misogynistic message that our bodies are for display, and that our worth is primarily as a…
Oh god. Pure conjecture, but what if that's why she ignores her so much? The daughter who went away to live with grandma?
I am a pretty healthy, balanced, non-helicopter mom and I would tear the fucking face off anyone who would put my precious little snowflakes in the room with a fucking child molester. In other words, your tone seems odd.
No, they just love feeling like a martyr for a choice they made.
This has nothing to do with the post, but I just needed to confess: when I was younger I would rob my bar hookups if they were a lousy lay. Like, take a bottle of booze or a DVD or a scarf. Something to make it worth my time.
Are such limitations (and the burden they put on moderators) really a good thing to publicly advertise, when there is a troll problem?
Do you have any idea the type of shit a nurse often has to deal with and then still has to go home, to the grocery store, etc. I mean, shit, they're only people with families it's not like we can put them in their own camp. /sarcasm
You know whose anonymity shouldn't be protected? Whoever did that grout work.
Sorry, but you need to dial down the obsessiveness if it extends to asking strangers what they're reading. If you can't figure it out from the cover of the book, or if they're reading on an e-device, then it's invasive to ask. You don't HAVE to know.
Why is it always the woman's job to be nice a.k.a. give a man what he wants? Never is it the man's responsibility to be nice a.k.a. give a woman what she wants which is to be left alone.