
Maybe the Gay family recognizes that forgiveness is for them as well as for the perpetrators. It’s good for the soul, as they say. I can’t speak to religious aspects of that, but I know that I couldn’t really begin to heal after my traumatic experience until I really worked to forgive. And it was so hard, but it was

Pow! Right in the kisser!

I actually looked this up earlier today for reasons completely unrelated to this. The receiving team has three options:
1) Make them re-kick after a 5 yard penalty
2) Receive the ball 5 yards from where it went out of bounds
3) Receive the ball 30 yards from where it was kicked off (which maybe becomes a half the

No, they’re doing it because they’re communist Muslim terrorists in disguise. Ain't it obveeus, dipstick?

But, is the counterpoint here that Ted Cruz only said “ring” because he’s intimately close to the NBA rulebook, and being a rulebook purist, decoupled from everyday vernacular?

Really? Wow. Just think, for a second. It might hurt, but you may not have been fully conscious when you wrote that.

Brandon McCombs at 11:21pm likes acronyms and they cannot lie

Univision4EVAH at 10:50pm asks the most important question of our lives

This is the recipe that I use, and yes, I actually use a mixture of cherry and grape tomatoes for it rather than the larger varieties. Just pull off the stem/leaf ends and give them a rough chop, or quick pulse in the food processor before adding them to the pot.

I’ve been to the taqueria in downtown Dayton that Drew mentioned. I don’t remember much about the food, but as I was walking out of the restaurant on July 23, 2011 (RIP Amy W.), some obese 10 year old boy walked in wearing a dirty, oversized shirt that read, “Indoor Person.”

Aw man... why you gotta make me tear up as soon as I get to work?

Re: 5. - After his daughter had her heart transplant, her post-op ICU room was next to a patient whose family was having difficulty getting transportation to the hospital and/or paying for parking to visit their sick child. Peanut found this out and then paid for a car to take them to and from the hospital for the

If the Earth were round, Giancarlo Stanton’s dingers would go straight into outer space. Think about it, you guys.

World record holder in the javelin catch.

Anything else aside, exactly how many businesses do you think are set up along underpasses?

Hrm, I don’t know Euchre, but pale Central New Yorkers play a similar game known as Pitch. It’s fun as hell, especially in “kids vs parents” games and facilitates the drinking of cases of watery Canadian lager.

There are several positive/negatives to each material. Copper is heavy, soft, corrodes, not easy to clean, and conducts heat really well, and expensive. Al is cheap, soft, light, conducts pretty well, and is soft enough that it will pit with heavy use (look at any commercial kitchen’s older aluminum pans). Stainless

There are several positive/negatives to each material. Copper is heavy, soft, corrodes, not easy to clean, and

I got to play with Pearl in the summer of 86, right after he got drafted by the Nets. My father was a coach who had a camp at Pace University in Manhattan. He had coached against Pearl in HS and coached him in AAU ball. I played hockey, but since I was living with my dad that summer I ended up going to his hoops camp

You said “It’s hard not to feel sorry for Schilling”. This guy cost so many of his employees so much trying to fulfill his expectations and believing his promises. If anything I feel sorry for all the people he screwed in his ambitions and I hope they are all better off now than they were under his direction.

Spray application of actual herbicide is most effective. Not that stuff at home centers either. The good stuff is only sold at landscape supply stores to professionals (and sometimes homeowners depending on your experience and laws in your state), so you may end up needing to call a lawn care company.