
Joshua Jackson is definitely worth flaunting, though.

Those Cosmo tweets are like when your mom learns a new slang word.

Do you have a butt? Just put the drugs in your butt.

Its hilarious because the young actresses cast opposite seasoned 50+ actors just make them look craggier, more dried out and closer to the grave as ever.

I hope they get millions. This shit is so creepy.

My cousin studied agriculture at college and saw cows like this when they did field studies. She said the side was plugged with what looked like a bathtub stopper. Yuck.

I can kind of agree with him wanting a little more balance at the box office with genre films and gritty society changing films both being important but the rest of it kind of reeks of him really wanting to be taken seriously as an actor, which LOL SIMON STAHP

I find it hilarious that people think this problem will be solved with brown lawns and navy style showers. They need to go after the big businesses and farms that using shit tons of water to make organic almonds and random other crap we don’t need. Tweeting about “commie” celebs will do nothing.

This has seemed very publicity driven from the start. Its just that Lynch et al are considered genuine artistes~ so people believed it all. They were using the outrage to gauge fan interest.

I was showing my friend this app on a DNA testing website (23andme) that showed me all of my genetic cousins in the database. We were clicking around and looking at the pics and Facebook links to see whether any of them looked like me and she saw I had a third cousin in Scotland. She clicked the picture, and said “OMG

Its really one of the few children’s movies that holds up as an adult rewatching it. Its a good comedy, period. I wish they still made smaller films like this for families where the comedy works for every age range. Now all kids seem to get are franchise fantasy/sci fi films or Pixar. I feel bad for them.

Oh great now I’m going to obsess over this when I rewatch the entire show this summer. Goodbye, free time!

Obviously she has to die so she can be there when Creepy Glen gets executed for being a serial killer after coming back even more broken and dead eyed from Vietnam. She must be the one to welcome him.

Sam Worthington seemed like kind of a jerk when he was promoting Terminator:Fucking Amateur. I remember one sulky Conan appearance where he wore a dirty hoodie, jeans, and sneakers. Ew.

That sketch was brilliant. Also, Jennifer Lawrence is the human embodiment of that sketch.

I confused Camp Nowhere with Heavy Weights for a second and was about to agree with you but then I remembered Camp Nowhere is the crappy one with Jessica Alba.

The dude who went to EPCOT with Topanga has his own fucking cult? Where have I been?

IA with you re:NMTB even though I found some of those moments very funny.

Now playing

The Paris Hilton interview reminds me of Woody Allen humiliating Twiggy when he “interviewed” her in the 60s. He really seems to love humiliating and abusing young girls, doesn’t he?

I watched the first two seasons of Grey's and never understood the fuss about this dude. McSteamy on the other hand...