F Trump and his Goons

It’ll probably depend on the type of boulder. But honestly why do you care if your boulders get scratched? 

Conservatives: the state shouldn’t tell people how to raise their children.

Children in cages? Who cares!

I haven’t seen any of those opinions about the Bolt, I’d say if anything it’s overdesigned and less attractive than the Fit. Besides that, Chevy doesn’t have the reliability of a Honda, and also it’s an EV and twice as expensive as a Fit.

Some Jeep guys prefer the half-doors. I mean, yeah, they look cooler (when the soft uppers aren’t attached) but living with them would suck. Not only does the roof get to flap in the wind, but the window does too! And, got to go through a toll booth? Zzzziiiipppp.  Oh shit, zipper’s stuck... just a second.  Ok, got it.

they are pretty much the only group of people in these dark times that I can rely on to be the absolute best of us all.

Waiting for the Church of Satan to jump in and demand representation....

I sure hope they get this guy so he can do Maxima time in jail.

As others have said, it’s a Maxima, a lot like this image, but darker.

I see you getting a lot of flack for your last sentence, which is just a perfect illustration of the problem.

SUVs weight more than their equivalent car. Moving more mass takes more energy. Not a hard concept, Einstein. 

But then there are also the laws of physics that say a higher frontal area is harder to push through the air and a heavier vehicle is harder to push up a hill. Accordingly, bigger vehicles will always require more energy with the same drivetrain in a smaller, lighter vehicle.

And raise gas taxes a bunch. Then use the money to fix the roads and create more mass transit.

People can enjoy things all they want, right up until it’s actively harmful to everyone around them. Driving giant gas guzzling SUVs because it makes you feel like a bigger person is actively harmful.

Tax more vehicles that pollute more. Definitely an unpopular move but it works. (most) People do not care about the environment. They will start to care when it affects their wallet.

Jeez, can you shitbags try not to milk a person’s death to feed into your own bullshit narrative? Might as well just have gone with “Dave Chappelle’s stand-up kills trans person”.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline:

The headline could be better. My first thought after reading it was that this transgender person was made fun of in Chappelle’s special and later killed themselves- not that her and Chappelle were friends...

Or maybe we should stop boxing?

False equivalencies all over the place in this thread. Neither football or boxing is safe. Arguing that one is safer based on a comparison to the other is pointless.

Boxing’s ultimate goal is in fact to deliver a brain injury to the opponent, euphemistically called a “knockout”. Adding thick, padded boxing gloves