F Trump and his Goons

i dont want her teaching in any capacity.

The past 3 years have taught me that those silly “checks and balances” are imaginary and have ZERO power to stop a madman President if he decides he wants to burn everything down.

“I’m not sure if this is contempt

Betsy Devos will see absolutely zero repercussions. The DOE will be fined, further reducing the amount of money available to students, which is what Devos wants anyway.

I operate under: “fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.” 

Pretty sure once you start sending certain ethic groups to “re-education” camps blindfolded where they are subjected to numerous injustices and likely have their organs harvested, while implementing a social credit system that punishes those who step out of line politically, kidnap someone who stands against the

So, welcome our new corporate overlords then? How does a boot taste?

>In this case blizzard had a set of rules and regulations they clearly set out in a clause.

Let it go, Katherine. Bernie's done.

This sounds racist af.

Kinda inconsiderate, I guess, to just ghost on jury duty without letting anyone know, but shit happens (one of the reasons you name alternates). Putting someone in jail for that just because you can is a massive fucking abuse of power. Especially considering that jury duty imposes a burden and disruption on someone’s

Now playing

The cycle goes on. Punishments that don’t fit the crime, another black man who will be marked as a criminal in all future background checks, because he... like many other people his age, overslept, and are not given a civil education as to the penalties and full liabilities for not obeying the minutiae of court

These fuckwits have had more cunning plans than Baldrick, and even less success!

Please update with Warren’s response, because it’s honestly tweet of the year material.

Before today, I was only attracted to her plans.

Why, why, why do you keep giving these people the attention that they want?

Further proof that if there is a god, it has a shitty sense of humor.

Meanwhile, Captain Hamberder and Diet Coke is still chugging along.