When he talks about Civil War, this is the message he’s sending out.
When he talks about Civil War, this is the message he’s sending out.
He hints at it. “I got bikers”
He’s already said that. He won’t say it explicitly, though.
Exactly this. He’s doing this because he knows his supporters will say “He Is JuSt BeInG a StRoNg LeAdEr”.
Ivanka got a bunch of patents from China after Trump strong armed them using the power of the US government for private enrichment.
I’m waiting for Trump to tell his supporters to take up arms and kill the Dems. That’s coming.
How the FUCK does all this end? When the FUCK does all this end? I truly have no hope that justice will be met and meted as it should be ... or at least as I, with my sound mind , rational thought, and commitment to abiding the laws believe it should be. But therein is the problem that my qualities must matter for…
Trump’s main strategy (such as it is) to fight the coming battle: don’t deny the charges—simply act as if soliciting foreign help to investigate a political rival and influence an election is extremely fine and normal.
How the next few months unfold will be critical to our nation’s existence.Not only our institutions & laws for which so many have died, but also the very idea of “America,” of “The United States.”To paraphrase John Adams, we will see whether “we are a nation of laws, not of men.”
This is the same calculated risk he keeps taking. If he is open in the public about it, he normalizes it for his base. And impeachment becomes less ‘right and wrong’ and more political.
These are not a clever people.
That’s just his version of “whatabout whatabout whatabout.”
I’m half expecting Trump to hold a banquet for his trusted sycophants where all the food and drink is poisoned in a mass suicide to have to avoid dealing with the consequences.
Is the idea of the GOP destroying itself gloomy, though? The country would be far better off. Myself, I think his take is way too optimistic. There’s still over a third of the country that thinks all this is fine, and with gerrymandering and voter suppression, I don’t see Republicans going anywhere.
Sadly, probably nobody important. I know better than to get my hopes up after the 2016 election and Muller investigation. Definitely going to enjoy watching this show play out, however.
I have low expectations that people are held accountable for their crimes. I'd settle for them all out of our lives.
All the fruit from this tree is rotten and we should cut the whole thing down, dig out the roots, and burn it all for good measure.
How many? Not anywhere near as many as should.
They’re Taycan their time to get it right.