I wonder if Trump realizes that every time he denies something like this, everyone sees it as confirmation that he did do it.
I wonder if Trump realizes that every time he denies something like this, everyone sees it as confirmation that he did do it.
Its amazing how men always know exactly how they would react and exactly what they would do if they were ever forcibly raped by a man (let alone a very famous man) when its something they have no reason to ever worry about.
The region has mountains and beaches with an economy focused on agriculture but a growing tourism industry. Heck, they didn’t indicate what kind of business or if you need to really make a profit.
Yep. And not sure i’d bet a life change on the whims of the Italian government.
The really frustrating thing is that when it comes to these immigration issues, there’s truly nothing a regular citizen can do. We can donate to local relief organizations, and work to turf these fuckers and their Senate majority out, but right now, nothing.
Well GOOD! We have our OWN problems that we don’t wanna solve!
I’m willing to test this theory.
The same Italy that’s refusing boats full of migrants?? Weird.
I’m sure if that hurricane hit Norway they would feel differently.
Their cruelty knows no limits.
Hey, ya’ll? If America, a country built entirely on the concept of welcoming refugees and outcasts, is no longer welcoming refugees from a natural disaster which completely decimated their homes, it’s not America anymore.
Oh yeah? My dad's sled can do 6,600 mph.
6500 MPH is ~9533 FPS. 1 G of acceleration would be 32'/s squared, so just to accelerate to 9533 FPS at 1G would take just under 5 minutes at a constant 1g. During accel, you’d have covered 352 miles. Decel is the same time and speed. So, assuming san fran is 2900 miles from NYC (google maps), that leaves 2196 miles…
how many cupholders and are the usb’s USB-C or just regular?
Still not fast enough to run Trump out of town on a rail.
I’m definitely interested in seeing how the boat on the trailer holds up.
Ugh, not the “range anxiety” thing again. <eyeroll>
Not meaning to be pedantic, but it’s traveling 1.83 miles per second, which I’d say is closer to 2 miles per second than the “roughly one mile per second” they stated.
That’s cool and all but how far can it go between refueling ? And does it have space in the back for quintuplets, our sled dog team, and all the gear we need for our definitely-not-an-edge-case weekly roadtrip ?
Meanwhile, Santa’s sleigh flies at a speed of 677 miles per second (3,385 times the speed of sound)!